Build failed in Hudson: Jersey #2320

From: Hudson <>
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 11:03:26 -0700 (PDT)

See <http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/2320/changes>


[japod] tweaking jersey version in ejb archetype

[Paul Sandoz] Release will be 1.1.4 (not 1.1.4-ea)

[Paul Sandoz] Merged changes from jersey-1.1.4-ea-SNAPSHOT branch: 2806:2807, 2809:2810 and 2812:2813

[...truncated 38022 lines...]
[INFO] Not compiling test sources
[INFO] [surefire:test]
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] [war:war]
[INFO] Packaging webapp
[INFO] Assembling webapp[jersey-ejb] in [<http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/target/jersey-ejb]>
[INFO] Processing war project
[INFO] Webapp assembled in[12 msecs]
[INFO] Building war: <http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/target/jersey-ejb.war>
[INFO] [xslt:transform {execution: update-gf-deps}]
[INFO] # of XML files: 1
[INFO] file up-to-date: <http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/target/gf-pom-file/pom.xml>
[INFO] [assembly:attached {execution: make-assembly}]
[INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: src/main/assembly/src.xml
[INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: src/main/assembly/glassfish.xml
[INFO] Building zip: <http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/target/>
[INFO] Building zip: <http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/target/>
[INFO] [install:install]
[INFO] Installing <http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/target/jersey-ejb.war> to /files/hudson/.m2/repository/com/sun/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT/jersey-ejb-1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT.war
[INFO] Installing <http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/target/> to /files/hudson/.m2/repository/com/sun/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT/
[INFO] Installing <http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/target/> to /files/hudson/.m2/repository/com/sun/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT/
[INFO] [deploy:deploy]
altDeploymentRepository = null
[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from
[INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot com.sun.jersey.samples:jersey-ejb:1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT' could not be found on repository:, so will be created
Uploading: java-net:/maven2-repository/trunk/repository//trunk/repository/com/sun/jersey/samples/jersey-ejb/1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT/jersey-ejb-1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT.war
[INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from
[INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'artifact com.sun.jersey.samples:jersey-ejb'
[INFO] Uploading project information for jersey-ejb 1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error installing artifact's metadata: Error while deploying metadata: Connection failed: Unable to connect to

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/maven2-repository/trunk/repository'
svn: Connection refused
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 106 minutes 46 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Oct 08 10:58:01 PDT 2009
[INFO] Final Memory: 60M/162M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Reactor build order:
[INFO] jersey-project
[INFO] jersey-core
[INFO] jersey-server
[INFO] jersey-client
[INFO] Contributions to Jersey
[INFO] jersey-spring
[INFO] maven-wadl-plugin Maven Mojo
[INFO] wadl-resourcedoc-doclet
[INFO] Jersey Apache HTTP Client
[INFO] jersey-multipart
[INFO] jersey-atom-abdera
[INFO] jersey-simple-server
[INFO] jersey-guice
[INFO] jersey-oauth
[INFO] oauth-signature
[INFO] oauth-client
[INFO] oauth-server
[INFO] oauth-tests
[INFO] Scala modules
[INFO] Jersey Lift
[INFO] Jersey Lift Test Application
[INFO] jersey-scala
[INFO] jersey-json
[INFO] All Jersey samples
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Models - jersey sample
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Server - jersey sample
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Client - jersey sample
[INFO] Jersey Test Framework
[INFO] Bookstore - Jersey sample
[INFO] Bookmark WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] Entity provider -- Jersey sample
[INFO] Extended WADL WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] Generate WADL - Jersey sample
[INFO] Groovy
[INFO] Helloworld - Jersey sample
[INFO] Helloworld WebApp - Jersey Sample
[INFO] HTTPS Client/Server - Jersey sample - Grizzly
[INFO] HTTPS Server - Jersey sample - GlassFish
[INFO] jMaki Backend WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] JAXB - Jersey sample
[INFO] Jersey EJB - Jersey Sample
[INFO] JSON From JAXB - Jersey sample
[INFO] JSONP - Jersey sample
[INFO] Managed Beans WebApp - Jersey Sample
[INFO] Mandel -- Jersey sample
[INFO] Optimistic Concurrency - Jersey sample
[INFO] Scala Helloworld WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] jersey-atom
[INFO] Simple Atom Server - Jersey sample
[INFO] Simple Console - Jersey sample
[INFO] Simple Servlet - Jersey sample
[INFO] Sparklines - Jersey sample
[INFO] Spring Annotations WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] Storage Service - Jersey sample
[INFO] jersey-fastinfoset
[INFO] jersey-tests
[INFO] jersey-bundle
[INFO] All Jersey Archetypes
[INFO] Jersey Archetype: Web App Using Grizzly Container
[INFO] Jersey Archetype: Web App with WAR packaging
[INFO] Jersey Archetype: EJB application with WAR packaging
[INFO] Jersey archive for non-maven users
[INFO] jersey-documentation
WAGON_VERSION: 1.0-beta-2
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building jersey-project
[INFO] task-segment: [deploy]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [buildnumber:create {execution: default}]
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 10/08/2009 10:58 AM at timestamp: 1255024692120
[INFO] [site:attach-descriptor]
[INFO] Preparing source:jar
[WARNING] Removing: jar from forked lifecycle, to prevent recursive invocation.
[INFO] [buildnumber:create {execution: default}]
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 10/08/2009 10:58 AM at timestamp: 1255024693632
[INFO] [source:jar {execution: attach-sources}]
[INFO] [install:install]
[INFO] Installing <http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/pom.xml> to /files/hudson/.m2/repository/com/sun/jersey/jersey-project/1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT/jersey-project-1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] [deploy:deploy]
altDeploymentRepository = null
[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error deploying artifact: Connection failed: Unable to connect to

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/maven2-repository/trunk/repository'
svn: Connection refused
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 2 minutes 11 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Oct 08 11:00:14 PDT 2009
[INFO] Final Memory: 18M/129M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Reactor build order:
[INFO] jersey-project
[INFO] jersey-core
[INFO] jersey-server
[INFO] jersey-client
[INFO] Contributions to Jersey
[INFO] jersey-spring
[INFO] maven-wadl-plugin Maven Mojo
[INFO] wadl-resourcedoc-doclet
[INFO] Jersey Apache HTTP Client
[INFO] jersey-multipart
[INFO] jersey-atom-abdera
[INFO] jersey-simple-server
[INFO] jersey-guice
[INFO] jersey-oauth
[INFO] oauth-signature
[INFO] oauth-client
[INFO] oauth-server
[INFO] oauth-tests
[INFO] Scala modules
[INFO] Jersey Lift
[INFO] Jersey Lift Test Application
[INFO] jersey-scala
[INFO] jersey-json
[INFO] All Jersey samples
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Models - jersey sample
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Server - jersey sample
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Client - jersey sample
[INFO] Jersey Test Framework
[INFO] Bookstore - Jersey sample
[INFO] Bookmark WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] Entity provider -- Jersey sample
[INFO] Extended WADL WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] Generate WADL - Jersey sample
[INFO] Groovy
[INFO] Helloworld - Jersey sample
[INFO] Helloworld WebApp - Jersey Sample
[INFO] HTTPS Client/Server - Jersey sample - Grizzly
[INFO] HTTPS Server - Jersey sample - GlassFish
[INFO] jMaki Backend WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] JAXB - Jersey sample
[INFO] Jersey EJB - Jersey Sample
[INFO] JSON From JAXB - Jersey sample
[INFO] JSONP - Jersey sample
[INFO] Managed Beans WebApp - Jersey Sample
[INFO] Mandel -- Jersey sample
[INFO] Optimistic Concurrency - Jersey sample
[INFO] Scala Helloworld WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] jersey-atom
[INFO] Simple Atom Server - Jersey sample
[INFO] Simple Console - Jersey sample
[INFO] Simple Servlet - Jersey sample
[INFO] Sparklines - Jersey sample
[INFO] Spring Annotations WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] Storage Service - Jersey sample
[INFO] jersey-fastinfoset
[INFO] jersey-tests
[INFO] jersey-bundle
[INFO] All Jersey Archetypes
[INFO] Jersey Archetype: Web App Using Grizzly Container
[INFO] Jersey Archetype: Web App with WAR packaging
[INFO] Jersey Archetype: EJB application with WAR packaging
[INFO] Jersey archive for non-maven users
[INFO] jersey-documentation
WAGON_VERSION: 1.0-beta-2
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building jersey-project
[INFO] task-segment: [deploy]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [buildnumber:create {execution: default}]
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 10/08/2009 11:00 AM at timestamp: 1255024821878
[INFO] [site:attach-descriptor]
[INFO] Preparing source:jar
[WARNING] Removing: jar from forked lifecycle, to prevent recursive invocation.
[INFO] [buildnumber:create {execution: default}]
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 10/08/2009 11:00 AM at timestamp: 1255024823112
[INFO] [source:jar {execution: attach-sources}]
[INFO] [install:install]
[INFO] Installing <http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/pom.xml> to /files/hudson/.m2/repository/com/sun/jersey/jersey-project/1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT/jersey-project-1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] [deploy:deploy]
altDeploymentRepository = null
[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from
Uploading: java-net:/maven2-repository/trunk/repository//trunk/repository/com/sun/jersey/jersey-project/1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT/jersey-project-1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error installing artifact's metadata: repository metadata for: 'artifact com.sun.jersey:jersey-project' could not be retrieved from repository: due to an error: Connection failed: Unable to connect to

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/maven2-repository/trunk/repository'
svn: Connection refused
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3 minutes 10 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Oct 08 11:03:26 PDT 2009
[INFO] Final Memory: 19M/129M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------