On Sep 21, 2009, at 8:30 PM, Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> Jae Lee wrote:
>> try this
>> WebApplication webApplication = new WebApplicationImpl();
>> ResourceConfig resourceConfig = new DefaultResourceConfig();
>> String[] filters = new String[]
>> {"org.atmosphere.core.AtmosphereFilter"};
>> resourceConfig
>> .getProperties
>> ().put(ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_RESOURCE_FILTER_FACTORIES, filters);
>> webApplication.initiate(resourceConfig);
> Thanks...but in the example above, I don't use the ServletContainer
> class? Let me dig more..
Do you want a mechanism that works independently of ServletContainer
(and more general the HTTP container used)?
If so i think Victor's solution of a ResourceConfigTransformer (as
sent on the atmosphere list, see attached) seems like a good solution.
In addition we would need to improve the ResourceConfig support for
the setting of filters, as filters may also have been declared by the
attached mail follows:
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com> wrote:
> On Sep 21, 2009, at 8:40 PM, Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>> Viktor Klang wrote:
>>> Cool. How about being able to annotate a jersey configuration provider?
>>> @Provider
>>> class Conf implements WebApplicationConfiguration
>>> {
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> What do you think?
>> Wow I like that one. Let's see what Paul thinks (he is back tomorrow). It
>> may not work as I'm not sure the Jersey annotation processor can do that
>> (but I might be wrong).
> The ResourceConfig is currently the place to configure stuff, as that will
> be independent of any container.
Of course, but wouldn't it be beneficial to be able to @Inject
or be able to have something like:
interface ResourceConfigTransformer
public ResourceConfig transform(@Inject ResourceConfig config);
And then on boot, find all @Provider who's instanceof
ResourceConfigTransformer, create a DefaultResourceConfig, and then pipeline
it through all transformers and then pass the result into the WebApplication
> I think what we require are specific methods to add filters on
> ResourceConfig. It is possible to add filters programatically using
> ResourceConfig but it is problematic because the developer has to manage the
> different Java types that may be set as the property.
> Also we need to ensure that any user-defined filters will still be declared
> if Atmosphere adds it's own.
> Another solution is to support filters annotated with @Provider, currently
> i have avoided doing so because order of filters may be important. It should
> be possible to support "classes" of filter that define ordering groups, but
> i am not sure about that.
> I have not yet got around to any solution you may have proposed (way too
> much email to process email!) so not sure if we are on the same page or
> not...
> Paul.
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Viktor Klang
Blog: klangism.blogspot.com
Twttr: viktorklang
Lift Committer - liftweb.com
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Cassidy - github.com/viktorklang/Cassidy.git
SoftPub founder: http://groups.google.com/group/softpub