Re: [Jersey] ResourceFilter mixed with ContainerRequestFilter/ResponseFilter

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 22:09:45 -0400


of course if I don't compile my changes it doesn't work :-) False alarm,
it works as expected :-) :-)

Time to stop :-)

-- Jeanfrancois

Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> Salut,
> to integrate Jersey in Atmosphere, I'm currently trying to use a
> ResourceFilter to manipulate the request/response flow. I also need to
> filter both the request and response, so I've created class:
> Using the latest trunk, I do see my create method invoked and the
> Atmosphere annotation properly handled, but I don't see both the
> ContainerRequest|ResponseFilter invoked. My web.xml defines:
>> <init-param>
>> <param-name>com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ResourceFilters</param-name>
>> <param-value>org.atmosphere.core.AtmosphereFilter</param-value>
>> </init-param>
> By just looking at the above class, does somebody see something trivial
> I'm missing? A simple demo can be downloaded from here:
> Just deploy that war file and invoke:
> % curl -i
> y/resources/resource1
> It's the Jersey' simple-servlet demo but with comet support (not yet,
> but pretty soon).
> Thanks!
> -- Jeanfrancois
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