On May 12, 2009, at 6:20 PM, Paul C. Bryan wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-05-12 at 18:08 +0200, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> On May 12, 2009, at 5:45 PM, Paul C. Bryan wrote:
>>> Right, as it's serialized. I don't see a way to get the entity in
>>> its
>>> encoded form when in the handle() method.
>>> So, I could assume the entity is a MultivaluedMap, which I think the
>>> majority of the time, it will be when it's POST
>>> application/x-www-form-urlencoded. But it could be other types, up
>>> to
>>> the caller of the client library, correct? For example, String
>>> (pre-encoded) seems to work if I pass that in as the entity to the
>>> client library.
>>> What I'm trying to do: I want to get the entity body to extract form
>>> parameters, in order to calculate a digital signature.
>>> I considered just assuming it's MultivaluedMap, and throwing
>>> exception
>>> otherwise, but was hoping there could be a way I could get the
>>> encoded
>>> entity (which I would then decode) to allow virtually any object
>>> type to
>>> be provided -- flexibility.
>> Why do you need to decode it?
> I need the name-value pairs of parameters.
Why? do you need to perform some c14n of the parameter names/values?
Just curious about the signing process... and whether you can support
signing the bytes instead, which would be a lot easier.