Re: [Jersey] How to get encoded entity in filter?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 18:08:33 +0200

On May 12, 2009, at 5:45 PM, Paul C. Bryan wrote:

> Right, as it's serialized. I don't see a way to get the entity in its
> encoded form when in the handle() method.
> So, I could assume the entity is a MultivaluedMap, which I think the
> majority of the time, it will be when it's POST
> application/x-www-form-urlencoded. But it could be other types, up to
> the caller of the client library, correct? For example, String
> (pre-encoded) seems to work if I pass that in as the entity to the
> client library.
> What I'm trying to do: I want to get the entity body to extract form
> parameters, in order to calculate a digital signature.

> I considered just assuming it's MultivaluedMap, and throwing exception
> otherwise, but was hoping there could be a way I could get the encoded
> entity (which I would then decode) to allow virtually any object
> type to
> be provided -- flexibility.

Why do you need to decode it?

You can perform such an operation in a ClientRequestAdapter. Your
filter can add the adapter. Essentially the adapter defers processing
until the Jersey client is ready to serialize the entity. Your adapter
could buffer the request entity by adapting the output stream, on
closing of the stream additional headers can be set and then the
buffered entity can then be written to the output stream that was
passed to the adapt method.

The alternative is to use the Providers interface on Client to obtain
a message body writer to serialize out the request entity
independently. That might be the easiest approach for you. See the
following thread for more details, which should work generically for
any type.
