Re: [Jersey] Native JSON binding using JacksonJsonProvider

From: Jakub Podlesak <Jakub.Podlesak_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 2009 16:56:21 +0100

Hi Tatu,

Very nice. Which version of jackson do i need to use?
Would you mind adding this provider to the jersey code base
after some testing?


On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 11:41:21PM -0800, Tatu Saloranta wrote:
> I wrote a simple provider that uses Jackson Json processor
> ( to implement true Json mappings for
> JAX-RS implementations, and it seems to work quite nicely with Jersey.
> So I thought it might be useful for others as well.
> Provider itself is just a single class
> (,
> but is packaged as a separate jar (->
> [ so that it can be plugged in
> easily.
> In addition to adding the jars (jackson core, mapper for data binding,
> and the provider jar), it has to be registered using the usual
> mechanism (can be added as a singleton, holds no real state),
> something like:
> --
> import java.util.*;
> import*;
> import org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJsonProvider;
> public final class RestApplication
> extends Application
> {
> // Best to register as a singleton to allow reuse of ObjectMapper:
> public Set<Object> getSingletons()
> {
> HashSet<Object> singletons = new HashSet<Object>();
> singletons.add(new JacksonJsonProvider());
> return singletons;
> }
> }
> ---
> (which I deploy using Jersey-provided ServletContainer, and run on
> Jetty -- so should work in about any combination)
> Doing this let's all the usual annotation-based stuff work for the
> registered content type ("application/json").
> So why use this over mapped/badgerfish conventions and JAXB? To get
> sensible binding between Json and Objects. And perhaps also to improve
> speed by factor of 3x - 5x, if that matters. :-)
> Type support covers basic JDK types as well as beans (setters needed
> for deserialization, getters for serialization); for more information
> you can check out Jackson tutorial
> ([]).
> Anyway -- if you are using Jersey with Json, this might be worth
> checking out. And if so, please let me know how things go.
> Also: since I am not a JAX-RS expert, there are probably better ways
> to do integration, so I appreciate any improvements to the provider
> itself.
> -+ Tatu +-
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