Build failed in Hudson: Jersey #1793

From: Hudson <>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 08:55:23 -0700 (PDT)

See http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/1793/changes


[Paul Sandoz] - Fixed issue 181
  NotFoundException construction now includes an optional URI that was not
  found. Jersey will pass in the URI if it throws NotFoundException because
  the request URI could not be matched to a resource class.

[...truncated 11496 lines...]
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 219/388)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 219/388)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 219/388)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 219/388)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 295/486)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 295/486)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 299/636)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 363/541)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 379/482)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 379/482)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 379/482)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 518/565)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 527/511)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 551/505)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 571/494)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:06 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 636/482)
[INFO] Processing user-guide.xml
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 19/1120)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 192/493)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 203/510)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 203/510)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 214/877)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 225/389)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 225/389)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 225/389)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 225/389)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 301/487)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 301/487)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 305/637)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 369/542)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 385/483)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 385/483)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 385/483)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 524/566)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 533/512)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 557/506)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 577/495)
Mar 12, 2009 8:55:09 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBreakingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location: 642/483)
[INFO] [assembly:attached {execution: make-assembly}]
[INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: src/main/assembly/docbook.xml
[INFO] Building zip: http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/jersey-documentation/target/
[INFO] [build-helper:attach-artifact {execution: attach-artifacts}]
[INFO] Preparing source:jar
[WARNING] Removing: jar from forked lifecycle, to prevent recursive invocation.
[INFO] [buildnumber:create {execution: default}]
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 03/12/2009 08:55 AM at timestamp: 1236873310534
[INFO] [dependency:unpack {execution: unpack}]
[INFO] Configured Artifact: com.sun.jersey:jersey-core:docbook:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT:zip
[INFO] Configured Artifact: com.sun.jersey:jersey-server:docbook:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT:zip
[INFO] Configured Artifact: com.sun.jersey:jersey-client:docbook:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT:zip
[INFO] Configured Artifact: com.sun.jersey:jersey-fastinfoset:docbook:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT:zip
[INFO] Configured Artifact: com.sun.jersey:jersey-json:docbook:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT:zip
[INFO] Configured Artifact: com.sun.jersey:jersey-atom:docbook:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT:zip
[INFO] already unpacked.
[INFO] already unpacked.
[INFO] already unpacked.
[INFO] already unpacked.
[INFO] already unpacked.
[INFO] already unpacked.
[INFO] [source:jar {execution: attach-sources}]
[INFO] [install:install]
[INFO] Installing http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/jersey-documentation/pom.xml to /files/hudson/.m2/repository/com/sun/jersey/jersey-documentation/1.0.3-SNAPSHOT/jersey-documentation-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/jersey-documentation/target/ to /files/hudson/.m2/repository/com/sun/jersey/jersey-documentation/1.0.3-SNAPSHOT/
[INFO] Installing http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/jersey-documentation/target/docbook/user-guide.pdf to /files/hudson/.m2/repository/com/sun/jersey/jersey-documentation/1.0.3-SNAPSHOT/jersey-documentation-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT-user-guide.pdf
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] jersey-project ........................................ SUCCESS [5.328s]
[INFO] jersey-core ........................................... SUCCESS [31.051s]
[INFO] jersey-server ......................................... SUCCESS [12.861s]
[INFO] jersey-client ......................................... SUCCESS [9.863s]
[INFO] Contributions to Jersey ............................... SUCCESS [0.033s]
[INFO] jersey-spring ......................................... SUCCESS [41.786s]
[INFO] maven-wadl-plugin Maven Mojo .......................... SUCCESS [3.048s]
[INFO] wadl-resourcedoc-doclet ............................... SUCCESS [0.655s]
[INFO] jersey-multipart ...................................... SUCCESS [14.098s]
[INFO] jersey-atom-abdera .................................... SUCCESS [15.697s]
[INFO] Jersey Apache HTTP Client ............................. SUCCESS [1:16.343s]
[INFO] jersey-json ........................................... SUCCESS [9.710s]
[INFO] All Jersey samples .................................... SUCCESS [4.458s]
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Models - jersey sample ............... SUCCESS [4.390s]
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Server - jersey sample ............... SUCCESS [22.641s]
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Client - jersey sample ............... SUCCESS [11.084s]
[INFO] Bookstore - Jersey sample ............................. SUCCESS [2.482s]
[INFO] Bookmark WebApp - Jersey sample ....................... SUCCESS [1.266s]
[INFO] Entity provider -- Jersey sample ...................... SUCCESS [5.263s]
[INFO] Extended WADL WebApp - Jersey sample .................. SUCCESS [20.007s]
[INFO] Generate WADL - Jersey sample ......................... SUCCESS [4.457s]
[INFO] Groovy ................................................ SUCCESS [6.842s]
[INFO] Helloworld - Jersey sample ............................ SUCCESS [4.034s]
[INFO] Helloworld WebApp - Jersey sample ..................... SUCCESS [16.429s]
[INFO] jMaki Backend WebApp - Jersey sample .................. SUCCESS [17.163s]
[INFO] JAXB - Jersey sample .................................. SUCCESS [13.784s]
[INFO] JSON From JAXB - Jersey sample ........................ SUCCESS [9.403s]
[INFO] JSONP - Jersey sample ................................. SUCCESS [6.112s]
[INFO] Mandel -- Jersey sample ............................... SUCCESS [9.116s]
[INFO] Optimistic Concurrency - Jersey sample ................ SUCCESS [6.434s]
[INFO] Scala Helloworld WebApp - Jersey sample ............... SUCCESS [22.023s]
[INFO] jersey-atom ........................................... SUCCESS [2.302s]
[INFO] Simple Atom Server - Jersey sample .................... SUCCESS [6.502s]
[INFO] Simple Console - Jersey sample ........................ SUCCESS [7.365s]
[INFO] Simple Servlet - Jersey sample ........................ SUCCESS [1.532s]
[INFO] Sparklines - Jersey sample ............................ SUCCESS [0.643s]
[INFO] Spring Annotations WebApp - Jersey sample ............. SUCCESS [18.337s]
[INFO] Storage Service - Jersey sample ....................... SUCCESS [11.292s]
[INFO] jersey-fastinfoset .................................... SUCCESS [2.323s]
[INFO] jersey-tests .......................................... SUCCESS [24:23.086s]
[INFO] jersey-bundle ......................................... SUCCESS [16.447s]
[INFO] All Jersey Archetypes ................................. SUCCESS [0.026s]
[INFO] Jersey Archetype: Web App Using Grizzly Container ..... SUCCESS [0.093s]
[INFO] Jersey Archetype: Web App with WAR packaging .......... SUCCESS [0.107s]
[INFO] Jersey archive for non-maven users .................... SUCCESS [18.449s]
[INFO] Jersey GFv2 UC Module Internal ZIP Archive ............ SUCCESS [2.575s]
[INFO] Jersey GFv2 UC Module ................................. SUCCESS [1.804s]
[INFO] Jersey GFv3 UC Module Image ........................... SUCCESS [2.433s]
[INFO] Jersey GlassFish Packages ............................. SUCCESS [0.018s]
[INFO] jersey-documentation .................................. SUCCESS [10.612s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 32 minutes 59 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Mar 12 08:55:10 PDT 2009
[INFO] Final Memory: 67M/181M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean deploy
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Reactor build order:
[INFO] jersey-project
[INFO] jersey-core
[INFO] jersey-server
[INFO] jersey-client
[INFO] Contributions to Jersey
[INFO] jersey-spring
[INFO] maven-wadl-plugin Maven Mojo
[INFO] wadl-resourcedoc-doclet
[INFO] jersey-multipart
[INFO] jersey-atom-abdera
[INFO] Jersey Apache HTTP Client
[INFO] jersey-json
[INFO] All Jersey samples
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Models - jersey sample
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Server - jersey sample
[INFO] AtomPub Contacts Client - jersey sample
[INFO] Bookstore - Jersey sample
[INFO] Bookmark WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] Entity provider -- Jersey sample
[INFO] Extended WADL WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] Generate WADL - Jersey sample
[INFO] Groovy
[INFO] Helloworld - Jersey sample
[INFO] Helloworld WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] jMaki Backend WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] JAXB - Jersey sample
[INFO] JSON From JAXB - Jersey sample
[INFO] JSONP - Jersey sample
[INFO] Mandel -- Jersey sample
[INFO] Optimistic Concurrency - Jersey sample
[INFO] Scala Helloworld WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] jersey-atom
[INFO] Simple Atom Server - Jersey sample
[INFO] Simple Console - Jersey sample
[INFO] Simple Servlet - Jersey sample
[INFO] Sparklines - Jersey sample
[INFO] Spring Annotations WebApp - Jersey sample
[INFO] Storage Service - Jersey sample
[INFO] jersey-fastinfoset
[INFO] jersey-tests
[INFO] jersey-bundle
[INFO] All Jersey Archetypes
[INFO] Jersey Archetype: Web App Using Grizzly Container
[INFO] Jersey Archetype: Web App with WAR packaging
[INFO] Jersey archive for non-maven users
[INFO] Jersey GFv2 UC Module Internal ZIP Archive
[INFO] Jersey GFv2 UC Module
[INFO] Jersey GFv3 UC Module Image
[INFO] Jersey GlassFish Packages
[INFO] jersey-documentation
WAGON_VERSION: 1.0-beta-2
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building jersey-project
[INFO] task-segment: [clean, deploy]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [clean:clean]
[INFO] [buildnumber:create {execution: default}]
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 03/12/2009 08:55 AM at timestamp: 1236873319165
[INFO] [site:attach-descriptor]
[INFO] Preparing source:jar
[WARNING] Removing: jar from forked lifecycle, to prevent recursive invocation.
[INFO] [buildnumber:create {execution: default}]
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 03/12/2009 08:55 AM at timestamp: 1236873320744
[INFO] [source:jar {execution: attach-sources}]
[INFO] [install:install]
[INFO] Installing http://hudson.sfbay/job/Jersey/ws/jersey/pom.xml to /files/hudson/.m2/repository/com/sun/jersey/jersey-project/1.0.3-SNAPSHOT/jersey-project-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] [deploy:deploy]
altDeploymentRepository = null
[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error retrieving previous build number for artifact 'com.sun.jersey:jersey-project:pom': repository metadata for: 'snapshot com.sun.jersey:jersey-project:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT' could not be retrieved from repository: due to an error: Connection failed: Unable to connect to

svn: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/maven2-repository/trunk/repository': 500 Internal Server Error (
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 11 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Mar 12 08:55:22 PDT 2009
[INFO] Final Memory: 17M/30M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------