Hi Markus,
maybe I could help you...
JCR is a Java-API for a content repository. You have a standard set of
classes for this system. You define your model in a xml file where you
define some kind of a hierarchy with nodes and each node has properties. The
problem with the JCR is, that it is an Java API (language dependent) and
it's not that perfect for a document management system. Due the fact that
the dms often has it's own model which is not compatible with the JCR. Also
the point that a lot of the members of the expert group are working for the
new CMIS Standard, we have to wait if the JSR283 will ever be finished.
I will stop here because it is the wrong place. If you want more
informations just write me an email.
2008/12/6 Markus KARG <markus.karg_at_gmx.net>
> Julian,
> great to have your support. I'm planning to publish first stuff in my
> winter
> break (have to tidy up my source first...). Stay tuned. :-) Just waiting
> for
> the Jersey Heads to tell me whether it shall be part of Jersey or not.
> BTW, can you give me a short abstract of the idea of JSR-283? I have no
> real
> idea what a "Content Repository API" is... Is that something like a common
> interface ("driver") to any kind of document management system?
> Thanks
> Markus
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Julian Reschke [mailto:julian.reschke_at_gmx.de]
> > Sent: Samstag, 6. Dezember 2008 16:48
> > To: dev_at_jersey.dev.java.net
> > Subject: Re: [Jersey] JAX-RS based WebDAV support
> >
> > Markus KARG wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Dear Jersey Team,
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > I have developed partial support for WebDAV based RESTful web
> > services
> > > based on pure JAX-RS (not Jersey-dependent). It works pretty well and
> > > would be a good starting point for some kind of "official" WebDAV
> > > support package. If nobody else is working on something like that,
> > I'd
> > > like to complete this package and contribute it to java.net.
> > > ...
> >
> > Sounds great to me.
> >
> > I'd say: go ahead. I might become interested contributing code for
> > WebDAV extensions, or bindings to JCR (JSR-283).
> >
> > Best regards, Julian
> >
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Daniel Manzke