On Dec 18, 2008, at 8:00 PM, Markus KARG wrote:
> Paul,
> thank you for helping us. More inlined. :-)
>> What standalone server are you using? the LW HTTP server? Is the
>> server side handling concurrent requests from multiple clients?
> The standalone server is this small piece of code:
> import com.sun.jersey.api.container.httpserver.HttpServerFactory;
> import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer;
> public final class Main {
> public static final void main(final String[] args) throws
> IOException,
> InterruptedException {
> final HttpServer server =
> HttpServerFactory.create("http://localhost:80/");
> server.start();
> Thread.sleep(Long.MAX_VALUE);
> }
> }
I recommend you try with the Grizzly container instead. In the past we
have found using the LW HTTP server to be very unreliable, we have
disabled the automatic testing because it can lock up, and i never run
it on the Mac because of locking up.
You can do:
final SelectorThread st = GrizzlyServerFactory.create("
which also starts the Grizzly server.
> The @PUT method is this one:
> @PUT
> @Path("/quipsy/manufacturedAmount/{fileName}.xml")
> @Consumes("application/manufacturedAmountXML+xml")
> public void putPpm(final InputStream ppm) throws IOException {
> for (int c = ppm.read(); c != -1; c = ppm.read())
> System.out.print((char) c);
> System.out.println();
> }
> As you can see, it is the at-most simple code that I could imagine.
> Also the
> last "System.out.println" actually is printed, so it cannot be a bug
> inside
> of the putPpm method.
>> My guess is it is more likely to be a bug in the standalone server
>> (or
>> Jersey's interaction with it).
> Maybe. But where?
My guess is in the LW HTTP server.
>> Do have a restriction that you cannot depend on the Jersey client
>> API?
>> if not it could make things easier for you.
> Yes there is such a restriction. We have to ensure that the software
> will
> run fine at each of the hundreds of enterprises we will ship it to.
> Since
> Jersey is not part of GlassFish v2, Java SE, or any other supported
> Sun
> product, there is no support available for it. So we think the risk
> of using
> this parts of Jersey (those parts that are not covered by JSR311)
> are not
> outwighted by the small benefit of having a slightly shorter code. I
> really
> love the client API, but I want to have it (A) being part of JSR311
> and (B)
> covered by a support contract.
>> You could test with curl logging output to try and debug further. If
>> you are not familiar with curl i can send you an example.
> cURL is a great idea! I'll try it tomorrow!
> Thanks! :-)
> Markus
>> Paul.
>> On Dec 18, 2008, at 3:56 PM, Markus Karg wrote:
>>> I am not sure whether this is a bug that should be reported using
>>> the issue tracker, so before typing in a potentially non-existing
>>> bug, I'd rather like to ask you whether that is a bug at all... ;-)
>>> I just discovered (Jersey-1.0.1) that sometimes I get a Result Code
>>> of -1 from the following code:
>>> private final void saveModifiedData(final
>>> ManufacturedAmountXML producedData) throws IOException,
>>> JAXBException {
>>> final HttpURLConnection urlConnection =
>>> (HttpURLConnection) newURL(String.format("http://%s/quipsy/
>>> manufacturedAmount/Amount.xml", this.host))
>>> .openConnection();
>>> try {
>>> urlConnection.setDoOutput(true);
>>> urlConnection.setRequestMethod("PUT");
>>> final OutputStream outputStream =
>>> urlConnection.getOutputStream();
>>> try {
>>> JAXBContext
>>> .newInstance
>>> (ManufacturedAmountXML
>>> .class).createMarshaller().marshal(producedData, outputStream);
>>> System.out.println(urlConnection.getResponseCode());
>>> } finally {
>>> outputStream.close();
>>> }
>>> } finally {
>>> urlConnection.disconnect();
>>> }
>>> }
>>> when executing it agains a Jersey-1.0.1 standalone server (not
>>> GlassFish).
>>> The PUT is correctly processed in my JAX-RS resource and the body is
>>> completely transfered, it is just the response code that is
>>> "strange". Typically I get a 204 No Content (what is OK) but
>>> sometimes I get -1.
>>> Is that a bug in Jersey or is it my fault?
>>> Thanks
>>> Markus
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