thanks for your support. But I do not understand why to log a BUG (I mean,
nothing is broken)? Wouldn't it be better to log a RFE in the GlassFish
tracker that JAX-RS deployed clients shall get injected some kind of context
like this?
From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2008 11:58
Subject: Re: [Jersey] Referencing JAX-RS based WebService
HI Markus,
It seems that what you require would also be useful for any "web start"
application that requires the root or "bootstrap" URL whether it be
Swing-based or not. IIUC what you really require is the root URL of a
servlet or host? i.e. it should not need to be specific to a particular
deployed technology and perhaps we require an Application Client Context API
to obtain the information.
I recommend logging a bug. I would also like to know where the JAX-WS code
resides to obtain the root URL, perhaps there is something we can reuse?
On Dec 17, 2008, at 8:07 AM, Markus Karg wrote:
Hi all,
I just stumbled over the problem that my standalone Swing client (running in
the GlassFish Application Client Container) wants to call my JAX-RS based
service running in the GlassFish Server Container. Both, client and service,
are deployed using a single EAR. Now certainly my client needs to know the
root URL of the service. But how to find out at runtime? Tim Quinn and
Bhakti Mehta had the idea that the client shall call a "fake" JAX-WS-based
service, since for this kind of call the client gets injected a WS port and
can ask the port for the host's root URL. Ok, this will work. But certainly
it would be great to have a JAX-RS-only solution, without JAX-WS-fakes. Is
there a solution planned for this kind of problem? Maybe in future it will
be possible to have the URLs injected into the client? Or shall I open an
issue in the GlassFish tracker?
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