RE: [Jersey] JAX-RS based WebDAV support

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 19:56:41 +0100

I want to add that Content-Type and Content-Length are independent
properties in both, HTTP and WebDAV. This is not a WebDAV specific problem
but common to HTTP.

There might be HTTP and / or WebDAV clients existing that send both, none,
or one of these headers at this is a pretty correct behaviour in ALL
applications since nobody enforces a file to have more then zero bytes!

The *actual* length of a body and it's *potential* type are unrelated. Why?
Because it is valid (at least on Windows) to create a zero-byte file on disk
*with a defined(!) type* (what is not possible on Unix since you always need
at least the prefixed magic byte to know the file type). When I want to
upload this empty file with HTTP PUT or POST, then I will send an empty body
plus Content-Type=text/plain plus Content-Length=0. This is absolutely
correct from the overall semantic.

So if a specific JAX-RS uses wants to enforce a length > 0 this is that
user's problem. I would NOT add a specific annotation or feature to JSR311
to enforce non-zeroness. IF (at all) JSR311 should add something then it
might be much more useful to add "generic" header filters (so I can filter
on anything), like this:

@HeaderFilter("Content-Length == 0 || My-Property == 'XYZ'")

But since I do not need this specials at all, still my proposal is to just
inject null and let that guy that so badly wants to have non-null add a
simple "if (body == null) throw WebApplicationException()" to his code.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Julian Reschke []
> Sent: Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2008 14:26
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Jersey] JAX-RS based WebDAV support
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
> > ...
> > In the WebDAV case is the Content-Type absent from the request?
> > ...
> It depends. I'm pretty sure there are clients out there that set the
> content type even though the body is empty, but also other clients that
> don't.
> Similarly, there may be use cases where PUT is sent with an empty body,
> with or without content type.
> BR, Julian
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