Re: [Jersey] JAX-RS based WebDAV support

From: Julian Reschke <>
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2008 22:56:50 +0100

Daniel Manzke wrote:
> ...
> But I think that the WebDAV for Jersey should not use the JCR. It should
> implement the WebDAV-Methods and Features and should not point to a
> special api. I want to use this WebDAV feature for a lot of things. And
> there is still a WebDAV implementation for the JCR. So why should this
> project use JCR? I also know the talks about the CMIS and this is not
> the list for it. :)
> ...

Well, implementing WebDAV in a server requires implementing the protocol
itself (that's where JAX-RS helps), and interfacing to some kind of storage.

And yes, that doesn't *need* to be JCR, but *some* API will be needed,

> So let's have a look what we can do with the source from Mark.


> It would be really cool if there would be generic solution which we
> could map to a lot of things/apis. (JCR too) Maybe, something like the
> SPI of the Jackrabbit.

As a matter of fact, I was thinking about that myself. SPI may be a
better choice, because WebDAV doesn't need all that fancy transient
storage and namespace remapping stuff...

BR, Julian