Re: [Jersey] download javadocs?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 10:43:15 +0100

On Nov 17, 2008, at 6:40 PM, Jerry Atrick wrote:

> I could be missing an obvious link, but is there a place where you
> can download the javadocs for jersey?

Yes, you can download the JavaDoc jar files from the maven repo, for

The bundle javadoc which combines core, server, client, json javadocs
is also on line:*checkout*/jersey/tags/jersey-1.0/api/jersey/index.html

You can also get the spring support javadoc here:

but it is only currently available for 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT because we
forgot to add support in the 1.0 pom.

If you are using Maven with a tool such as NetBeans with the maven
plugin then it is very easier to browse the javadoc and obtain the

There are also online maven browsers:

But unfortunately they do not let you browse the JavaDoc online.


P.S. i recommend using the list as that is
where most of the action happens :-)