Re: Heads up on breaking changes to the trunk

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 09:40:41 +0100

Nam Nguyen wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Are all planned 0.5 API changes in?


> Would there be a @PathParam
> replacing @UriParam ?

We never made that change to the 0.5 API it dropped through the gaps :-(
but it is in the 0.6 API. We could back port it, but i am reluctant to
do that because i am going to talk about the 0.5 API tomorrow at
JavaPolis and i am already referring to UriParam in the slides.


> -Nam
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just want to give a heads up on breaking changes to the trunk that
>> will be occurring over the next couple of days as we transition from
>> the 0.4 JAX-RS API to the 0.5 API.
>> I plan to transition over a couple of steps rather than all in one go,
>> so as is the case now, there will be an intermediate version of the
>> JAX-RS API in between 0.4 and 0.5.
>> All changes will be documented in the changes.txt.
>> First up in terms of API changes will be the following:
>> - renamed to
>> - has the following changes
>> - renamed method getBase to getBaseUri
>> - renamed method getBaseBuilder to getBaseUriBuilder
>> - renamed method getAbsolute to getAbsolutePath
>> - renamed method getBuilder to getAbsolutePathBuilder
>> - add methods getRequestUri and getRequestUriBuilder
>> Next up is a non JAX-RS API related change that will remove tool time
>> WADL generation. This will be replaced by dynamic generation (to be
>> implemented later) that works from the abstract resource model that
>> Jakub has committed to the trunk. The end result should be the same
>> from the client perspective of GET'ing WADL.
>> Next up is the refactoring of @HttpMethod to @GET, @POST etc.
>> Paul.
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    Paul Sandoz