Heads up on breaking changes to the trunk

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 18:41:42 +0100


I just want to give a heads up on breaking changes to the trunk that
will be occurring over the next couple of days as we transition from the
  0.4 JAX-RS API to the 0.5 API.

I plan to transition over a couple of steps rather than all in one go,
so as is the case now, there will be an intermediate version of the
JAX-RS API in between 0.4 and 0.5.

All changes will be documented in the changes.txt.

First up in terms of API changes will be the following:

   - renamed to
   - has the following changes
     - renamed method getBase to getBaseUri
     - renamed method getBaseBuilder to getBaseUriBuilder
     - renamed method getAbsolute to getAbsolutePath
     - renamed method getBuilder to getAbsolutePathBuilder
     - add methods getRequestUri and getRequestUriBuilder

Next up is a non JAX-RS API related change that will remove tool time
WADL generation. This will be replaced by dynamic generation (to be
implemented later) that works from the abstract resource model that
Jakub has committed to the trunk. The end result should be the same from
the client perspective of GET'ing WADL.

Next up is the refactoring of @HttpMethod to @GET, @POST etc.


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    Paul Sandoz