Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Done. But i am not familiarized with other containers rather than
>> Servlet.
> OK, i will sort this out (as well as clearing up the APT code). I will
> most likely not get around to doing this until Monday next week.
I created a new class HttpServerFactory and modified the HelloWorld Main
class. Now we can create an HttpServer instance and start it in two just
statements, like this:
HttpServer server = HttpServerFactory.create(
without requiring any explicit configuration. Under the covers it uses
the the following code:
So the ASM stuff is working OK. Great! I will convert the other HTTP
server examples.
May i recommend that we change the name of ASMResourceConfig to
something like DynamicResourceConfig (ASM is an implementation detail)
and move it to the same package as ResourceConfig?
| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz