Hi Paul,
> > I have developed a Resource class scanner in my old project. It uses
> > asm (bycode manipulation library) to scan WEB-INF/classes and
> > WEB-INF/lib jars on a servlet init or a listener. The advantage of
> > this approach is that resources are discovered at deployment time. Do
> > you think it would be useful in jersey?
> >
> Definitely! I have wanted to look into this (see an email i sent to
> the dev list talking about this). I think it has general
> applicability for non-servlet deployments as well. It may mean we can
> simplify the abstract resource model implementations. This is the
> type of thing that WebBeans is doing, plus it means we can pick up
> other components like EntityProviders using a WebBeans like technique
> we have semi-specified.
Here is a proof of concept (attached)
look at the Test class (It is not a JUnit test).
The important method is ResourceClassScanner.scan( ... ).
Important note: This implementation does not load not matching
classes. It uses ASM (objectweb library) to parse .class files without
loading it into the VM.
Frank D. Martínez M.
Asimov Technologies Ltda.
Blog: http://www.ibstaff.net/fmartinez/