ResourceClass scanner <was> Re: I am here again ......

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 10:14:46 +0100

Hi Frank,

Frank Martínez wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> On 10/30/07, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
>> On the Resource Class Scanner: this is really cool stuff. I recommend
>> you write a different servlet adapter (to that of
>> using the
>> scanner implementation ...
>> Paul.
> I think is better to write a subclass of
> wich can be selected
> via an init parameter in the web.xml. By this way is easier for the
> user to select the desired implementation.
> Also is necessary to add an init(String[] paths) method to the
> ResourceConfig interface, by this way is easy to tell to the
> ResourceConfig implementation where to find the resources in a
> decoupled way.
> What do you think?

Yes it is better and less disruptive to specialize ResourceConfig. Your
commits to the jersey-rtresourceconfig are a great start.

An alternative to a ResourceConfig.init method is a constructor that
takes a Map<String, String> parameter. This is a bit more general for
intialization properties and there is no required extra init step
associated with all specializations of ResourceConfig.

If a container has a reference to a concreate class that implements
ResourceConfig it can instantiate accordingly and pass in the Map
instance (if required), or if there is no reference it can instantiate
directly a pre-configured one, namely ASMResourceConfig.

Once we have this in place we can remove the pre-compile step to
generate an implementation of ResourceConfig. The main reason why this
pre-compile step is necessary is to get the list of root resources. So
we will never be dealing with an existing ResourceConfig implementation
with servlet unless a developer wants to override default behaviour.

For servlet we can then specify features/properties of configuration in
the init-params of servlet and those are passed to the ResourceConfig
impl instantiated. Thus for default behaviour no init-parameters are
required. Overall this is great improvement on what we currently require.

This should also work for those wishing to use or extend
DefaultResourceConfig or ASMResourceConfig and passing in a reference to
the concrete class implementing ResourceConfig as is supported today.

Thus for the LW HTTP server we could then do:

   String[] paths = ..
   Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
   props.put("paths", paths);
   ResourceConfig rc = new ASMResourceConfig(props);
   rc.etFeatures().put("myFeature", true);
   HttpHandler handler = ContainerFactory.createContainer(
       HttpHandler.class, rc);


   HttpHandler handler = ContainerFactory.createContainer(
       HttpHandler.class, "package.containing.rc");

Where the following class exists in the package "package.containing.rc":

   class MyConfig extends ASMResourceConfig {

       MyConfig(Map<String, String> props) {
           getFeatures().put("myFeature", true);

In fact the former is so useful the container factory should have a method:

     public static <A> A createContainer(Class<A> type, String... paths)

for taking in an array of paths and utilzing ASMResourceConfig under the
covers to search for resource classes.


| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz