Re: Introducing myself and to-dos

From: Changshin Lee <>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 17:25:46 +0900

Hi Paul,
2007. 09. 07, 오전 12:49, Paul Sandoz 작성:

> Hi ias,
> Welcome! A further bit of background. ias and I cooperated on some
> work with Fast Infoset, he committed a J2ME implementation to the
> Fast Infoset workspace.

I'd appreciate your comment :-)

> Can you send some links on Open APIs and openmaru? is the official web site of openmaru.
Meanwhile, we are preparing for English documentation for open APIs
from openmaru, which is going to be available in this Fall.

> May i recommend that any substantial coding work be done in a branch
> rather than the trunk. That way it will be easier to synchronize
> with stable releases of the trunk and the 311 API updates.
> I do plan to publish a draft release schedule (with features
> identified for releases). This should help us coordinate better e.g.
> when branches get merged with the trunk.

Is it OK for me to go ahead for the rest of the replacement work (from
package.html to on trunk, or should I wait for the



> Thanks,
> Paul.
> Changshin Lee wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As I did my first commits on Jersey, I'd like to introduce myself
>> to this dev community and outline my to-dos.
>> After several years of SOAP/WSDL life, I got into REST since I
>> joined openmaru last year. From experiences on developing XML
>> stuffs (including Apache Axis and Tmax JEUS), I'm now working on
>> JSR 311 JAX-RS and happy to participate in Jersey as well.
>> The followings are what I'm going to do for Jersey:
>> 1. Replace package.html with (now src/api part is
>> done)
>> 2. Enhance examples
>> 3. Make more realistic for designing and implementing Open APIs
>> (which I'm focusing on in openmaru)
>> Well, again I'm very glad to see you guys here and looking forward
>> to great collaboration in this community.
>> Cheers,
>> ias
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> Paul Sandoz
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