
From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 11:13:52 +0200


I have created a wiki for Jersey here:

The best way to see what content is there is to click on the "View in
hierarchy" link and then expand all children i.e. kind of like a TOC.

I have put a rough schedule together. I want to edit this page to
associate planned features to releases.

The planned features contains a brief description of features that
are being worked on or would be desirable to be worked on. Where
appropriate i have linked features to developers. The idea is that
developers can update a feature page with ideas/documents etc.
Hopefully this will also encourage discussion on features, what is
missing, clarification etc in a way that is more collaborative than
tracking project issues.

There is a developers page listing the current developers of Jersey.

This can also be a place to put tutorials, tips etc.

I propose that developers who want r/w access create an account at (if you have an SDN account you can use that). Send me
your screen name and i will give r/w access. Then you can edit your
name in the developer page to provide a link.
