Hi Peter,
The error is referring to an invalid sub-locator method not of a Java
class. It helps if i format the error output:
public x.service.CustomersResource
annotated with URI template /customers(/.*)? of resource:
class x.service.DiscountCodeResource
is not recognized as valid Java method annotated with @URITemplate.
We can definitely improve on the error output, this is an important
requirement for the abstract resource model to report very clear,
accurate and helpful error messages.
Why does the method "getCustomersResource" have a single parameter of
the type java.lang.Character ?
java.lang.Character does not conform to any of the following rules:
- Not a primitive type (note that 'char' is not a supported primitive
- Not of type java.lang.String;
- No method of the signature
public static Character valueOf(String)
- No constructor of the signature
public Character(String)
The code that supports this logic has not changed since June 19th when
we went open source. Could you send the Java source just to make sure?
I am a bit reluctant to release 0.3 until we work out what is going on,
if you are in early and could reply ASAP that would be great.
Peter Liu wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I got the following exception when executing the RESTful services
> generated from entity classes:
> Caused by: com.sun.ws.rest.api.container.ContainerException: Method,
> public x.service.CustomersResource
> x.service.DiscountCodeResource.getCustomersResource(java.lang.Character),
> annotated with URI template /customers(/.*)? of resource, class
> x.service.DiscountCodeResource, is not recognized as valid Java method
> annotated with @URITemplate.
> at
> com.sun.ws.rest.impl.model.node.NodeDispatcherFactory.create(NodeDispatcherFactory.java:54)
> at
> com.sun.ws.rest.impl.model.ResourceClass.processSubResourceLocators(ResourceClass.java:161)
> at
> com.sun.ws.rest.impl.model.ResourceClass.<init>(ResourceClass.java:91)
> at
> com.sun.ws.rest.impl.model.RootResourceClass.getResourceClass(RootResourceClass.java:73)
> at
> com.sun.ws.rest.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl.getResourceClass(WebApplicationImpl.java:127)
> at
> com.sun.ws.rest.impl.application.WebApplicationContext.dispatchTo(WebApplicationContext.java:110)
> at
> com.sun.ws.rest.impl.model.node.NodeDispatcher.dispatch(NodeDispatcher.java:58)
> The DiscountCodeResource does not have an URITemplate declared on the
> class. This worked in 0.2.
> I thought a class is considered a RESTful resource if it contains either
> URITemplate or HttpMethod annotations,
> Peter
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| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz