Paul wrote:
> Done. So you can do stuff like this:
> @ProduceMime("text/html")
> @HttpMethod
> public void getParts(HttpRequestContext request,
> HttpResponseContext response) {
> // Set the response using a Response builder
> response.setResponse(Response.Builder.created(someURI).build());
> // Get the OutputStream
> // Status and headers will be committed to container
> // on first call of write or close.
> OutputStream o = response.getOutputStream();
> o.write(...);
> }
> Unfortunately HttpRequestContext and HttpResponseContext cannot
> currently be intermixed with other parameters.
> One way to obtain the URI params is create a constructor that has those
> parameters. This is a new feature to 0.3 in the trunk that Marc implemented.
> Paul.
It is perfect!
I will try some examples ...
Frank D. Martínez M.
Asimov Technologies Ltda.