Paul Sandoz wrote:
> OK. I will work on the refactoring, cross fingers it should be done this
> week.
Managed to do it faster than expected.
The interface UriPathResolver [1] is slightly different to the one
proposed in the email (as often happens when one starts implementing).
There is a unit test here [2]. One test is failing and i need to work
out for this case what the 311 API specifies. You can modify the unit
test to plug in your own implementation to test, and you can modify line
46 of BaseResourceClass [3] to plug it into the runtime.
This is now exposing some possible idiosyncrasies of the UriTemplateType
class (which i should perhaps rename to UriPathTemplate).
> Paul.
>> Regards,
>> Frank.
>> On 9/10/07, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
>>> Hi Frank,
>>> After your email to me i have a better understanding of what you meant
>>> by resolving, which was an entirely different to what i thought it
>>> meant, which is good. Marc and I have been using the term resolve to
>>> obtain a Java object instance from a Java class. Now i understand that
>>> by resolving you mean: given a URI resolve that URI from a given set of
>>> URI templates.
>>> Currently Jersey uses a naive algorithmic approach to URI resolving.
>>> Each Resource class has an array of dispatchers, each dispatcher has a
>>> URI template associated with it, and the array of dispatchers are
>>> ordered according to the URI template ordering specified by JSR 311.
>>> Resolving is implemented by iterating through the array of dispatchers
>>> and performing a match of the URI path against each dispatcher. See
>>> the for specific
>>> details.
>>> Obviously such an approach does not scale for a web application with
>>> many root resources and a resource with many URI templates for
>>> sub-locator and sub-methods. Where as, if my understanding is correct,
>>> the algorithm you have experimented with will scale much better.
>>> We need to do some refactoring so that BaseResourceClass uses a
>>> "UriResolver" interface rather than a list of dispatchers. The
>>> UriResolver can operate on a set of a tuples of {URI template, T} where
>>> T is a generic type. That way the interface and implementation(s) will
>>> have more value. For use with BaseResourceClass the dispatcher can be
>>> used for T. Something like the following is a rough sketch:
>>> interface UriResolver<T> {
>>> /**
>>> * Add a template to the set of templates to resolve.
>>> *
>>> * @param template the URI template
>>> * @param t the instance of a type associated with the template
>>> to be
>>> * returned if a URI is resolved to the template.
>>> * @return true if the template was added, otherwise false if there
>>> is a duplicate
>>> * template in the list.
>>> */
>>> boolean add(UriTemplateType template, T t);
>>> void clear();
>>> Map<UriTemplateType, T> getTemplates();
>>> /**
>>> * Resolve a uri. This method can be used when the template
>>> variables of a URI template
>>> * are separated from the actual
>>> *
>>> * @param uri the uri
>>> * @param rightHandPath the returned right hand path of the uri if
>>> resolving
>>> * succeeded.
>>> * @param templateValues the returned linear list of template values
>>> matching
>>> * the template variables
>>> * @return T the instance of a type associated with the resolved
>>> uri, otherwise
>>> * null if the uri could not be resolved
>>> */
>>> T resolve(String uri, StringBuilder rightHandPath, List<String>
>>> templateValues);
>>> /**
>>> * Resolve a uri.
>>> *
>>> * @param uri the uri
>>> * @param rightHandPath the returned right hand path of the uri if
>>> resolving
>>> * succeeded.
>>> * @param templateValues the returned map of template variables to
>>> template values.
>>> * @return T the instance of a type associated with the resolved
>>> uri, otherwise
>>> * null if the uri could not be resolved
>>> */
>>> T resolve(String uri, StringBuilder rightHandPath, Map<String,
>>> String> templateValues);
>>> }
>>> It would be good to use UriTemplateType (i would prefer UriTemplate but
>>> that is the name of the annotation) as this can validate a URI template
>>> so it is not up to the UriResolver to do so. Also other properties of
>>> the template can be passed.
>>> A UriResolver implementation needs to support:
>>> - the ordering of the regular expressions produced from URI templates as
>>> specified in JSR 311;
>>> - the rules for processing the left-hand of the URI path and returning
>>> the right-hand of the URI path for further processing by resources
>>> returned by sub-locators;
>>> - a limited/non-limited last template variable consuming all the
>>> right-hand of the URI path; and
>>> - the returning of URI template values and at the same we may be able to
>>> fix an annoying bug related URI template matching [1], basically we need
>>> to disassociated the template variable names from the matches of those
>>> variables and be able to return a list of values.
>>> IMHO the best thing to do is refactor using the existing resolving
>>> implementation so we only change one thing at a time. That way we can
>>> test the refactoring with the unit tests. When the unit tests pass we
>>> can change the URI resolver implementation. Also since we have both
>>> implementations we can show some simple performance tests on each
>>> implementation directly.
>>> What do you think?
>>> Paul.
>>> [1]
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Paul Sandoz