On Jul 18, 2007, at 12:42 PM, Nam Nguyen wrote:
>> 1) The servlet adapter forward any URLs it does not know about. I
>> think this can be done but there still could be clashes between
>> URLs
>> consumed by the resources and URLs that refer to content in the
>> Web
>> pages, which may not be an issue. I need to look into this
>> further to
>> see if this is something that should be specified by 311 servlet
>> support or not.
> This would be great because JSR implementation would be transparent
> to REST application URL design.
I'm not sure how such forwarding could work since, as far as the
servlet container is concerned, it has already found the right
servlet to handle the request so when the Jersey servlet calls
ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher it will presumably get a
RequestDispatcher for itself and end up in an infinite loop...
Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.