Hi Marc/Paul,
I am using latest GF b55 with jersey 0.2. Using latest REST tooling
source, I am seeing the following in generated wadl
<application xmlns="
<resources base="%%REPLACE%%/resources">
<resource path="/customers/">
<method name="GET">
<method name="GET">
instead of
<application xmlns="
<resources base="%%REPLACE%%/resources">
<resource path="/customers/">
<method name="GET">
<representation mediatype="application/xml"/>
<method name="GET">
<representation mediatype="application/json"/>
This is same for POST too.
Attached is the application.wadl and the CustomerResource.java
* CustomerResource
* Created on July 17, 2007, 1:30 PM
* To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
* and open the template in the editor.
package test.service;
import javax.ws.rs.UriTemplate;
import javax.ws.rs.UriParam;
import javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod;
import javax.ws.rs.ProduceMime;
import javax.ws.rs.ConsumeMime;
import javax.ws.rs.core.HttpContext;
import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo;
import javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException;
import javax.persistence.NoResultException;
import test.Customer;
import test.PurchaseOrder;
import test.DiscountCode;
import java.util.Collection;
import test.converter.CustomerConverter;
* @author Owner
public class CustomerResource {
private UriInfo context;
/** Creates a new instance of CustomerResource */
public CustomerResource() {
* Constructor used for instantiating an instance of dynamic resource.
* @param context HttpContext inherited from the parent resource
public CustomerResource(UriInfo context) {
this.context = context;
* Get method for retrieving an instance of Customer identified by id in XML format.
* @param id identifier for the entity
* @return an instance of CustomerConverter
public CustomerConverter getXml(@UriParam("customerId")
Integer id) {
try {
return new CustomerConverter(getEntity(id), context.getURI());
} finally {
* Get method for retrieving an instance of Customer identified by id in XML format.
* @param id identifier for the entity
* @return an instance of CustomerConverter
public CustomerConverter getJson(@UriParam("customerId")
Integer id) {
try {
return new CustomerConverter(getEntity(id), context.getURI());
} finally {
* Put method for updating an instance of Customer identified by id using XML as the input format.
* @param id identifier for the entity
* @param data an CustomerConverter entity that is deserialized from a XML stream
public void putXml(@UriParam("customerId")
Integer id, CustomerConverter data) {
PersistenceService service = PersistenceService.getInstance();
try {
updateEntity(getEntity(id), data.getEntity());
} finally {
* Put method for updating an instance of Customer identified by id using XML as the input format.
* @param id identifier for the entity
* @param data an CustomerConverter entity that is deserialized from a XML stream
public void putJson(@UriParam("customerId")
Integer id, CustomerConverter data) {
PersistenceService service = PersistenceService.getInstance();
try {
updateEntity(getEntity(id), data.getEntity());
} finally {
* Delete method for deleting an instance of Customer identified by id.
* @param id identifier for the entity
public void delete(@UriParam("customerId")
Integer id) {
PersistenceService service = PersistenceService.getInstance();
try {
Customer entity = getEntity(id);
} finally {
* Returns a dynamic instance of DiscountCodeResource used for entity navigation.
* @param id identifier for the parent entity
* @return an instance of DiscountCodeResource
public DiscountCodeResource getDiscountCodeResourceForDiscountCode(@UriParam("customerId")
Integer id) {
final Customer parent = getEntity(id);
return new DiscountCodeResource(context) {
protected DiscountCode getEntity(String id) {
DiscountCode entity = parent.getDiscountCode();
if (entity == null) {
throw new WebApplicationException(new Throwable("Resource for " + context.getURI() + " does not exist."), 404);
return entity;
* Returns a dynamic instance of PurchaseOrdersResource used for entity navigation.
* @param id identifier for the parent entity
* @return an instance of PurchaseOrdersResource
public PurchaseOrdersResource getPurchaseOrdersResourceForPurchaseOrderCollection(@UriParam("customerId")
Integer id) {
final Customer parent = getEntity(id);
return new PurchaseOrdersResource(context) {
protected Collection<PurchaseOrder> getEntities() {
return parent.getPurchaseOrderCollection();
protected void createEntity(PurchaseOrder entity) {
* Returns an instance of Customer identified by id.
* @param id identifier for the entity
* @return an instance of Customer
protected Customer getEntity(Integer id) {
try {
return (Customer) PersistenceService.getInstance().createNamedQuery("Customer.findByCustomerId").setParameter("customerId", id).getSingleResult();
} catch (NoResultException ex) {
throw new WebApplicationException(new Throwable("Resource for " + context.getURI() + " does not exist."), 404);
* Updates entity using data from newEntity.
* @param entity the entity to update
* @param newEntity the entity containing the new data
* @return the updated entity
protected Customer updateEntity(Customer entity, Customer newEntity) {
for (PurchaseOrder value : entity.getPurchaseOrderCollection()) {
entity = PersistenceService.getInstance().mergeEntity(newEntity);
for (PurchaseOrder value : entity.getPurchaseOrderCollection()) {
return entity;