Re: removal of _at_SubResource

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 20:39:21 +0200

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Peter Liu wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> Thanks for the explanation. BTW, has this been implemented in the
>> trunk so
>> we can try it out?
> Yes (although @SubResources has not been removed yet), you are already
> using (and have been since the first release) sub-resource locators for
> some things :-)

Note that you can find the latest trunk distributions from here:


> Paul.
>> Peter
>> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>> Peter Liu wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> In the upcoming 0.2 release, @SubResource annotation will be removed.
>>>> What is the replacement for it and could you provide some code snippet
>>>> that demonstrate the new approach?
>>> Sure.
>>> Before:
>>> @UriTemplate("/a")
>>> @SubResources(MySubResource.class)
>>> class MyResource {
>>> }
>>> @UriTemplate("b")
>>> class MySubResource {
>>> }
>>> After:
>>> @UriTemplate("a")
>>> class MyResource {
>>> // sub-locator method
>>> @UriTemplate("b")
>>> public getMySubResource(...) {
>>> // Life-cycle is per-request
>>> return new MySubResource(...);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> class MySubResource {
>>> public MySubResource(...) { ... }
>>> }
>>> Points of note:
>>> - Removed the requirement that root resource classes have a URI template
>>> that starts with a '/'. Now any resource class annotated with a URI
>>> template is a root resource class and the URI template is relative to
>>> the base URI of deployment.
>>> - MySubResource can still be root resource class but when used as part
>>> of a sub-locator method the URI template on the class will be ignored.
>>> - Injection currently does not work on objects returned by sub-locator
>>> methods (i.e. the same as it is today). The EG is having discussions
>>> on life-cycle and injection. Until these discussions reach a
>>> satisfactory conclusion we cannot do anything about this issue.
>>> Paul.
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    Paul Sandoz