Sounds good to me.
I'd like to take a look the hashCode plugin. I could actually use that
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi [mailto:Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 3:22 PM
> To:;;
> Subject: jaxb2-commons
> I just created as discussed with
> Lexi. This project aims to collect/host plugins and utility code that
> people write that are too small to merit its own project. So
> in a sense
> it works like a sandbox/incubator.
> This includes runtime utilities like our FilterList, or
> JAXBIterator, or
> small plugins like hashCode/equals plugin, toString plugin,
> EJB3 plugin
> that Scott Allan wrote, and etc.
> Before I start moving contents, I think we should discuss and
> decide the
> repository structure.
> Based on my experience with jakarta-commons-sandbox and stax-utils
> project, it seems to me that allowing each component owner to own its
> directory (like below) works better than ...
> jaxb2-commons
> +- pluginX
> | +- src
> | +- test
> | +- whatever
> +- pluginY
> | +- src
> | +- test
> | +- whatever
> +- utilityZ
> +- src
> ...
> ... having a single source module and put all the source code in one
> directory:
> jaxb2-commons
> +- src
> +- test
> +- doc
> ...
> This allows individual component owner to choose their own style in
> their own plugin (like someone can use Maven while others are
> using Ant,
> etc.) Plugins tend to have differing maturity, so having this
> separation
> would also help users deciding which one to use, etc.
> Any thoughts?
> --
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
> Sun Microsystems
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