All Schema files in the OTA specification are made available according to the terms defined by the OTA License Agreement at This complex type defines the information needed to describe a type of payment card that is acceptable as a form of payment. A usage fee (amount or percentage) may also be stated for this particular card type. A code used to identify this payment card. Refer to OTA Code List Card Type (CDT). The name used to describe this type of payment card, for example, American Express If applicable, defines the percentage of the total amount that is incurred as a usage fee. If applicable, defines the additonal amount that is incurred as a usage fee. Identifies the currency of the amount. Airport location includes 3 letter code, terminal and gate. Location code used to identify a specific airport. Identifies the context of the identifying code, such as IATA, ARC, or internal code, etc. Arrival or departure terminal (e.g., Concourse A) Arrival or departure gate (e.g., B12) Identifies the alternate language for a customer or message. The human language is identified by ISO 639 codes. Identifies the alternate language for a customer or message. The human language is identified by ISO 639 codes.
not used
An identifier of a geographical area. An identifier of an area as defined by a hotel reservation system.
not used
Used to provide a date of birth. Indicates the date of birth as indicated in the document, in ISO 8601 prescribed format.
not used
Specifies the booking channel types and whether it is the primary means of connectivity of the source. The type of booking channel (e.g. Global Distribution System (GDS), Alternative Distribution System (ADS), Sales and Catering System (SCS), Property Management System (PMS), Central Reservation System (CRS), Tour Operator System (TOS), Internet and ALL). Refer to OTA Code List Booking Channel Type (BCT). Indicates whether the enumerated booking channel is the primary means of connectivity used by the source. Specifies charge information by unit (e.g., room, person, item) and frequency (e.g., daily, weekly, stay). This is the unit for which the charge applies (e.g. room, person, seat). Refer to OTA Code List Charge Type (CHG). This is the timeframe used to apply the charge during the course of the reservation (e.g. Daily, Weekly, Stay). Refer to OTA Code List Charge Type (CHG). Number of units permitted before charges are applied (e.g., more than 4 persons). ChargeFrequency exemptions before charges are applied (e.g. after 2 nights). Maximum number of Units for which the charge will be applied (e.g., waive charges above 10 rooms). Maximum number of times the charge will be applied (e.g. waive charges above 30 nights). Name of the (self-professed) country that is claimed for citizenship Indicates that the receiving system should assume the default value if the user specifies no overriding value or action. Used to specify a code and the context of the code. Any code used to specify an item, for example, type of traveler, service code, room amenity, etc. Identifies the source authority for the code.
not used
This is intended to be used in conjunction with an attribute that uses an OTA code list. It is used to provide additional information about the code being referenced. May be used to give further detail on the code or to remove an obsolete item. May be used to give further detail on the code. This is used to indicate that an item is obsolete. Used to specify a code and its associated attributes; meaning is derived from actual use. Used to specify a code and the context of the code. Identifies the location of the code table Specifies the number of items that are identified by the Code (e.g., 2 adults, 5 first class seats). Provides a code along with the preferred usage of this information. A code for which a preference may be specified. Used to indicate a level of preference for an associated item (i.e., only, unacceptable, preferred). Provides detailed information on a company. Used to provide the company common name.
not used
Refer to OTA Code List Travel Sector (TVS).
not used
Identifies a company by the company code.
not used
Identifies the context of the identifying code, such as DUNS, IATA or internal code, etc.
not used
Provides a monetary amount and the currency code to reflect the currency in which this amount is expressed. A monetary amount.
Provides a currency code to reflect the currency in which an amount may be expressed as well as the number of decimal places of that currency.
Provides a currency code to reflect the currency in which an amount may be expressed. The code specifying a monetary unit. Use ISO 4217, three alpha code.
A given property can only use a single currency.
used expedia - maps to Total CurrencyCode
Indicates the number of decimal places for a particular currency. This is equivalent to the ISO 4217 standard "minor unit". Typically used when the amount provided includes the minor unit of currency without a decimal point (e.g., USD 8500 needs DecimalPlaces="2" to represent $85).
not used - we always assume 2 decimals
Program rewarding frequent use by accumulating credits for services provided by vendors. Identifier to indicate the company owner of the loyalty program. Unique identifier of the member in the program (membership number, account number, etc.). Identifies the travel sector. Refer to OTA Code List Travel Sector (TVS). Provides the level of this customer within a loyalty program. Indicates the alliance status of a program. Provides the date of registration for this customer for the loyalty program. The effective date and/or expiration date of this customer's membership in this loytalty program. A reference placeholder for this loyalty membership. Indicate the partner(s)/vendor(s) for which the customer loyalty number is valid. Used to define a period of time using either actual dates or a day and month. Defines the start of a period either the day and month or the actual date. Defines the duration of a period. Defines the end of a period either the day and month or the actual date. The attributes of the OTA DateTimeSpan data type are based on the W3C base data types of timeInstant and timeDuration. The lexical representation for timeDuration is the [ISO 8601] extended format PnYn MnDTnH nMnS, where nY represents the number of years, nM the number of months, nD the number of days, 'T' is the date/time separator, nH the number of hours, nM the number of minutes and nS the number of seconds. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitrary precision. As an example, 7 months, 2 days, 2hours and 30 minutes would be expressed as P0Y7M2DT2H30M0S. Truncated representations are allowed provided they conform to ISO 8601 format. Time periods, i.e. specific durations of time, can be represented by supplying two items of information: a start instant and a duration or a start instant and an end instant or an end instant and a duration. The OTA standards use the XML mapping that provides for two elements to represent the specific period of time; a startInstant and a duration. The starting value of the time span.
rate durations are always of the type Date, e.g. 2008-02-02 to 2008-02-02. The applicable rate is always the one of the morning at which the guest "wakes up", e.g. if a guest stays from 2008-02-01 to 2008-02-02, the rate of 2008-02-02 applies.
used pegasus - maps to field 21 arrival
The duration datatype represents a combination of year, month, day and time values representing a single duration of time, encoded as a single string.
not used
The ending value of the time span.
rate durations are always of the type Date, e.g. 2008-02-02 to 2008-02-02. The applicable rate is always the one of the morning at which the guest "wakes up", e.g. if a guest stays from 2008-02-01 to 2008-02-02, the rate of 2008-02-02 applies.
used pegasus - maps to field 22 departure
Creation date time, Creator Id, last modification date time and last Modifier Id. Time stamp of the creation. ID of creator. The creator could be a software system identifier or an identifier of an employee resposible for the creation.
not used - this is captures in the POS element
Time stamp of last modification.
not used
Identifies the last software system or person to modify a record.
not used
Date an item will be purged from a database (e.g., from a live database to an archive).
not used
The absolute deadline or amount of offset time before a deadline for a payment of cancel goes into effect. Defines the deadline.
Defines the time of the day at which the deadline is passed. If no time is given a deadline is passed at midnight. The times are always local times of the facility to which the enclosing policy applies. Absolute deadlines with Date and Time are not supported by seekda.
The units of time, e.g.: days, hours, etc., that apply to the deadline.
We only allow "Days". Attribute must be present.
The number of units of DeadlineTimeUnit.
must be present
An enumerated type indicating when the deadline drop time goes into effect.
At present the only supported type is "BeforeArrival". Must be present.
The deadline information applies from when the reservation was confirmed. In some systems the confirmation time will differ from the booking time.
Indicates that the receiving system should assume the default value if the user specifies no overriding value or action. When true, indicates a default value should be used.
not used
Used to determine the level of detail in the response. To indicate whether full details should be returned in the response. "True" indicates details should be included and "false" means details are not required. Used to provide distance and direction information. An optional attribute indicating the distance to/from a reference point. When used in conjunction with DistanceMax, this represents the minimum distance. When the Distance attribute contains a value, (presumably a numerical value), the unit of measure is a string value that indicate what units are used for the value. An optional string value used to indicate the compass point(s) direction, e.g.: S, SE (South, Southeast), FROM the Reference Point TO the hotel location if the search is not a full circumference from the reference point. An optional attribute indicating the maximum distance to/from a reference point. The unit of measure in a code format. Refer to OTA Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM). If a day(s) of the week is set to true then the associated item is available on that day of the week (e.g., if Mon="true" then a flight operates on Mondays or a certain rate is available on Mondays). When true, apply to Monday. When true, apply to Tuesday. When true, apply to Wednesday. When true, apply to Thursday. When true, apply to Friday. When true, apply to Saturday. When true, apply to Sunday. Used to send the effective date and/or expiration date. Indicates the starting date.
The rate that applies to a particular day is always the one of the day of arrival resp. the one prior to the next night.
used pegasus - maps to field 40 booked_rates
Indicates the ending date.
If a rate only applies to one day the expire date is equal to the effective date.
used pegasus - maps to field 40 booked_rates
Used to identify an application error by either text, code, or by an online description and also to give the status, tag, and/or identification of the record that may have caused the error. An abbreviated version of the error in textual format. If present, this refers to a table of coded values exchanged between applications to identify errors or warnings. Refer to OTA Code List Error Codes (ERR).

X01A Locking action could not be complete

If present, this URL refers to an online description of the error that occurred. If present, recommended values are those enumerated in the OTA_ErrorRS, (NotProcessed | Incomplete | Complete | Unknown) however, the data type is designated as string data, recognizing that trading partners may identify additional status conditions not included in the enumeration. If present, this attribute may identify an unknown or misspelled tag that caused an error in processing. It is recommended that the Tag attribute use XPath notation to identify the location of a tag in the event that more than one tag of the same name is present in the document. Alternatively, the tag name alone can be used to identify missing data [Type=ReqFieldMissing]. If present, this attribute allows for batch processing and the identification of the record that failed amongst a group of records. This value may contain a concatenation of a unique failed transaction ID with specific record(s) associated with that transaction.
not used
Used to specify the rate for exchanging from one currency to another currency. The source currency for a conversion. The target currency for the conversion. The rate used for conversion from the source currency to the target currency. The date of the conversion rate. Defines the fees and/or taxes associated with a charge (e.g. taxes associated with a hotel rate). Used to indicate if the amount is inclusive or exclusive of other charges, such as taxes, or is cumulative (amounts have been added to each other).
not used
Code identifying the fee (e.g.,agency fee, municipality fee). Refer to OTA Code List Fee Tax Type (FTT).
not used yet, but see full list
Fee percentage; if zero, assume use of the Amount attribute (Amount or Percent must be a zero value).
not used
Provides a currency code and an amount for the fee or tax.
Provides information about any files attached (e.g., multimedia objects) at the transport layer (e.g., HTTP/SOAP) May be used to give further detail on the code or to remove an obsolete item. Vendor-specific format that contains the content data for the multimedia object. A short description of the multimedia object. A code defining the type of picture (e.g. Exterior, Lobby, Reception area, RoomTypes, Facilities, Dining areas, Meeting Rooms, Logo). Refer to OTA Code List Picture Category Code (PIC). The version of the multimedia object. The title for the multimedia object. The caption to be published with the multimedia file. The information describing the copyright notice for the multimedia object at a hotel facility. If this field is filled in, this copyright notice must be printed with the multimedia object. Specifies the name of the file being sent. The size of the file sent, in bytes. This may be used to validate that the received file is the correct size. The height of the image. The width of the image. The unit of measure for the multimedia object (e.g., inches, pixels, centimeters). Refer to OTA Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM). The content ID of a file attachment with the prefix 'cid:'. The value of this can be used to retrieve the corresponding attachment by the receiving system. Description of the multimedia object or attached file contents. Refer to OTA Code List Content Code (CTT). The specific file format of the multimedia object or attached file (e.g., mpeg, jpg, gif). Refer to OTA Code List Content Format Code (CFC). Uniquely identifies this file in the message. Identifies if the associated data is formatted into its individual pieces, or exists as a single entity. Specifies if the associated data is formatted or not. When true, then it is formatted; when false, then not formatted.
not used
Used to indicate the gender of a person, if known. Identifies the gender. HotelReference: The hotel reference identifies a specific hotel by using the Chain Code, the Brand Code, and the Hotel Code. The codes used are agreed upon by trading partners. The code that identifies a hotel chain or management group. The hotel chain code is decided between vendors. This attribute is optional if the hotel is an independent property that can be identified by the HotelCode attribute.
not used
A code that identifies the brand or flag of a hotel, often used for independently-owned or franchised properties who are known by a specific brand.,
not used
The code that uniquely identifies a single hotel property. The hotel code is decided between vendors.
In all messages the caller has to use the unique HotelCode generated by seekda during the hotel registration process.
The IATA city code; for example DCA, ORD.
not used
A text field used to communicate the proper name of the hotel.
not used
A text field used to communicate the context (or source of - ex Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Amadeus) the HotelReferenceGroup codes.
not used
The name of the hotel chain (e.g., Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt).
not used
The name of a brand of hotels (e.g., Courtyard, Hampton Inn).
not used
An identifier of an area as defined by a hotel reservation system.
Used to provide a required unique identifier. A unique identifying value assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation.
see attribute group whether used (generally it is not)
Provides employee information. Identifier assigned to the employee. Level in employer organization (e.g. seniority) that conveys privileges. Title of employee in the employer company that conveys rank or privileges. Used to provide an optional unique identifier. A unique identifying value assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation.
used to define code for custom amenity
Name of bank or organization issuing the card (e.g., alumni association, bank, fraternal organization, etc.). Code of bank issuing the card. Identifies language. Language identification.
when as description of an image this is the only place where to put the language, for text items it should be in the item itself
A code identifying a location. Code used to identify a location. Identifies the context of the identifying code (e.g., IATA, ARC, or internal code). Provides the level within a loyalty program. Indicates special privileges in program assigned to individual. Identifies the Loyalty Program, membership, form factor used by the certificate and its current status Identifies the individual program or promotion within a loyalty scheme Identifies the source of the code that identifies program or promotion within a loyalty scheme Identifies the unique certificate number and the loyalty program and the membership ID associated with this certificate Identifies either the date range when the Certificate is valid or the dates against which the certificate is being applied The number of nights of the hotel stay that are used to calculate the redemption amount. Indicates what form the certificate is in e.g. Paper or Electronic Used to define the status of the certificate e.g. Available, Voided, Cancelled, Reserved, Used. Identifies a loyalty certificate. The loyalty redemption certificate identifier. Unique identifier of the member in the program. This identifies the loyalty program. Used to specify the maximum number of responses to a request. A positive integer value that indicates the maximum number of responses desired in the return.
not used managed by the switch
Generic information about a multimedia item. The content ID of a file attachment with the prefix 'cid:'. The value of this can be used to retrieve the corresponding attachment by the receiving system.
not used
The title of the multimedia object. The author of the multimedia object.
not used
A copyright notice for the multimedia object.
not used
Owner of the copyright for the multimedia content.
not used
The start date for which the multimedia content rights are claimed.
not used
The end date for which the multimedia content rights are claimed.
not used
The start date for which the content is considered valid.
not used
The end date for which the content is considered valid.
not used
Start month and day or date for which the multimedia content is relevent (e.g. the start of a season or the start of an event). When a year is not used (i.e. only the month and day) it signifies a recurring event.
not used
End month and day or date for which the multimedia content is relevent (e.g. the end of a season or the start of an event). When a year is not used (i.e. only the month and day) it signifies a recurring event.
not used
Uniquely identifies this file in the message.
not used
Unique identifier for the source of the multimedia object (e.g., the original image file).
not used
Specific information about a multimedia item. Identifies the language of the multimedia item. The code associated with the format of the multimedia item. Refer to OTA code list Content Format Code (CFC) The size of the multimedia file in bytes. The name of the multimedia file. An attribute group to be used when the associated item has a required name and an optional code. If the length of the name could exceed 64 characters the complexType LongNameoptionalCodeType should be used. The name of an item. Provides the code identifying the item. Minimum and maximum occupancy values. Minimum number of persons allowed in a unit of accommodation or place. Maximum number of persons allowed in a unit of accommodation or place. Designates the office category within an organization. Indicates main office, field office, or division of the organization. An attribute group to be used when the associated item has an optional code and an optional name. Provides the code identifying the item. The name of an item. A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.
not used
Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (e.g. 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).
Every message send from the switch contains the timestamp of its generation. Messages send to the switch do not need to include any timestamp (If a timestampt is included the information will be ignored).
Used to indicate whether the request is for the Test or Production system.
not used - initially it was included in every message, however that would have required to keep two datasets per hotel, one that is used in production, one that is used in test modus (otherwise it would be unclear on what to apply updates targeting "test"). Since this seem an unnecessary overhead, we decided to keep this information within HotelDescriptiveInfo, i.e.: HotelDescriptiveContent.HotelInfo@HotelStaus. This info can be obtained by any entity that is required to be aware of the hotel staus (e.g. IBE to display a warning statement if a booking is made for a test property or refusing any action for a hotel that is "locked"). Changes to the HotelStatus may be rejected if the entity requesting that update is not entitled to change the status (e.g. the hotelier itself can not unlock his hotel).
For all OTA versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by a decimal value.
OTA requires the usage of this field, should correspond to the schema version used, the number includes 1 major 3 minor digits. All version numbers are at
HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ - 6.003
HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS - 1.008
HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ - 1.009
HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS - 6.003
HotelRatePlanNotifRQ - 5.002
HotelRatePlanNotifRS - 1.006
HotelRatePlanRQ - 1
HotelRatePlanRS - 1.001
HotelAvailNotifRQ - 2.002
HotelAvailNotifRS - 1.008
HotelAvailNotifRQ - 2.003
HotelAvailNotifRS - 5
HotelResNotifRQ - 4
HotelResNotifRS - 4
ReadRQ - 1.01
ResRetrieveRS - 5
A unique identifier to relate all messages within a transaction (e.g. this would be sent in all request and response messages that are part of an on-going transaction).
not used
Used to identify the sequence number of the transaction as assigned by the sending system; allows for an application to process messages in a certain order or to request a resynchronization of messages in the event that a system has been off-line and needs to retrieve messages that were missed.
not used
This indicates where this message falls within a sequence of messages.
not used
This is the first message within a transaction. This is the last message within a transaction. This indicates that all messages within the current transaction must be ignored. This is any message that is not the first or last message within a transaction. Specifies that this is a followup request asking for more of what was requested in the previous request. This request message is a subsequent request based on the previous message sent in this transaction.
Identifes the primary language for the message. Identifes the alternate language for the message. When true, indicates the message is being re-sent after a failure. It is recommended that this attribute is used (i.e., set to TRUE) only when a message is retransmitted.
not used
Indicates the start and end date for a payment card. Indicates the starting date.
not used
Indicates the ending date.
used pegasus - maps to field 17 cc_exp
Used to specify the geographic coordinates of a location. The measure of the angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator. The measure of the angular distance on a meridian east or west of the prime meridian. The height of an item, typically above sea level.
not used
Provides the unit of measure for the altitude (e.g., feet, meters, miles, kilometers). Refer to OTA Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM).
not used
Used to indicate a level of preference for an associated item (i.e., only, unacceptable, preferred). Used to indicate a level of preference for an associated item. Identifes the primary language preference for the message. Identifes the primary language preference for the message. The human language is identified by ISO 639 codes.
not used
Allows for control of the sharing of data between parties.
not used
value="Inherit" Permission for sharing data for synchronization of information held by other travel service providers.
not used
value="Inherit" Permission for sharing data for marketing purposes.
Specifies the action to be taken on this information and the effective and discontinue dates. To specify if the action to be taken is a replacement, addition, deletion, or update. The effective and discontinue dates for the information. Identifies the owner of the information. Used to specify a profile type. Code to specify a profile such as Customer, Tour Operator, Corporation, etc. Refer to OTA Code List Profile Type (PRT). Used to provide a promotion code. Promotion code is the identifier used by the host to link directly with a specific named advertising campaign. By including the required code, the client is able to gain access to special offers which may have been created for a specifically targeted group via a CRM system or for a wider advertising campaign using Television or press adverts.
used only in case of a rate that required a promotion code (optional)
used expedia - maps to PerDayRate promoName
List of the vendor codes associated with a promotion.
not used
Used to define a quantity. Used to define the quantity for an associated element or attribute. Information to identify a queue. The ATA/IATA airport/city code, office code, pseudo city code, etc. of the queue. An identifier specifying the queue on which the booking file resides in the system. The category of the queue. Identifies the airline and/or system where the queue resides. If this is omitted, the airline and/or system code (AirlineVendorID) contained in the point of sale information should be used. An additional identifier to determine the exact queue on which a reservation record should be placed Defines the rate information that is common to all transactions. Such information may include rate codes, rate type, promotional codes, etc. This information may be used to determine the rate that is made available. Used to indicate the purpose, whether for business, personal or other. Refer to OTA Code List Travel Purpose (TVP). The RateCategory attribute defines a set of valid values for the category of a rate. Typically rates are offered as either Leisure rates or Business (Corporate) rates, with a business rate usually including additional costs such as the cost of insurance, etc. This set of values defines the rate categories. Refer to OTA Code List Rate Category(RTC). This is the vendor specific code used to identify a special rate associated with a specific organization. Promotion code is the identifier used by the host to link directly with a specific named advertising campaign. By including the required code, the client is able to gain access to special offers which may have been created for a specifically targeted group via a CRM system or for a wider advertising campaign using Television or press adverts. This is the vendor specific code for rate codes (e.g. WES, 2A, DLY00). The RatePeriod attribute defines the type of rate that may be applied. For example, typically car rental rates differ based upon the duration of the rental, and the actual rate is then expressed in terms of the period of the rental. When true, only guaranteed rates should be returned. When false, all rates should be returned A range of monetary values within which the cost of the available products are requested. A decimal value that indicates the minimum monetary value to be considered in a request for an available product. A decimal value that indicates the maximum monetary value to be considered in a request for an available product. The rate amount used in place of MinRate and MaxRate when a specific rate is being requested. Used to specify the period of time to which the rates apply. Used to provide currency code and decimal places for the rate attributes. Contains the region information for the sailing Specifies a region code. Specifies the region name. A sub-region code for the specified region. A sub-region name for the specified region. Defines the position of an entity in relation to another entity (e.g. from an airport to a hotel, the relationship is dependant on use). Defines the cardinal direction (e.g., north, south, southwest). Defines the distance between two points. Candidate for potential removal, usage is not recommended. Deprecation Warning added in 2006A. Provides the ability to specify the unit of measure to which the "Distance" attribute is referring. The unit of measure in a code format. Refer to OTA Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM). This is used to indicate that an item is obsolete. If true, this item is obsolete and should be removed from the receiving system.
not used
Used to request the version of the payload message desired for the response. Used to request the version of the payload message desired for the response. Indicates that additional records are available and provides the echo token to be used to retrieve those records. If true, this indicates more items are available. If false, no more items are available.
if not present false (no more results) can be assumed. If true the MoreDataEchoToken attribute includes a token that if sent in a subsequent request will continue the list of results.
not used, only in response
A reference to the last response returned. Originally set in the response message and will be used in the next query for more details. Used to specify the maximum number of responses to a request.
Indicates a preference for an item that is referred to using a Reference Place Holder (RPH). Often an object is stored in a collection of similar objects, and a preference for use of one these objects is to be made known. This complex type can be used to specify the preference level, and to provide the indicator to the object in the collection. Used to indicate a level of preference for an item associated with the reference place holder. The unique reference for an object within this message. Attributes for seat request. Note: you can choose a specific seat or just a general preference Used to provide the seat number. Refer to OTA Code List Seat Preference (STP). Indicates whether or not smoking is allowed. Used to indicate whether information can be shared. Permission for sharing all data in profile for synchronization of profiles held by other travel service providers. Permission for sharing all data in profile for marketing purposes. Provides the date of registration for a loyalty program. Indicates when the member signed up for the loyalty program. Indicates the alliance status of a program. Indicates if program is affiliated with a group of related offers accumulating credits. Indicates the program is not part of an alliance. Indicates the program is part of an alliance. Identifies a position with regard to the smoking of cigarettes, either Allowed or NotAllowed. This may be of use when expressing a preference (I prefer a room that allows smoking) or when stating the attributes of an item (smoking in this rental car is not allowed). Indicates smoking is allowed when true and is not allowed when false. Provides telephone information details. Refer to OTA Code List Phone Location Type (PLT).
not used
Indicates type of technology associated with this telephone number, such as Voice, Data, Fax, Pager, Mobile, TTY, etc. Refer to OTA Code List Phone Technology Type (PTT).
used (use PhoneTechType attribute 1 - Voice or 5 - Mobile)
used pegasus - maps to field 12 and 13 phone (Voice) fax (Fax) (2 occurrences)
Describes the type of telephone number, in the context of its general use (e.g. Home, Business, Emergency Contact, Travel Arranger, Day, Evening). Refer to OTA Code List Phone Use Type (PUT).
not used
Code assigned by telecommunications authorities for international country access identifier. Code assigned for telephones in a specific region, city, or area. Telephone number assigned to a single location.
used pegasus - maps to field 12 and 13 phone fax (2 occurrences)
Extension to reach a specific party at the phone number. Additional codes used for pager or telephone access rights.
not used
A remark associated with the telephone number.
not used
Detailed telephone information. Allows for control of the sharing of telephone information between parties. Provides telephone information details. Identifies if the associated data is formatted into its individual pieces, or exists as a single entity. Information about a telephone number, including the actual number and its usage Detailed telephone information. Indicates that the receiving system should assume the default value if the user specifies no overriding value or action. Used elsewhere in the message to reference a specific telephone number (including faxes).
not used
Total time span covered by this availability request (from the earliest arrival to the latest departure) The earliest ending date/time for the availability requested, expressed in dateTime format as prescribed by ISO 8601. The latest ending date/time for the availability requested, expressed in dateTime format as prescribed by ISO 8601. The Day of Week of the starting date for the availability requested. Enumerated values of StartDOW are the seven days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Provides times related to a travel segment. The day of week of travel segment. The check in time and date of travel segment. The departure time and date of the travel segment The arrival time and date of the travel segment. Defines information on the number of travelers of a specific type (e.g. a driver type can be either one of a defined set, Adult, YoungDriver, YoungerDriver, or it may be a code that is acceptable to both Trading Partners). This is used to specify age in years. Refer to OTA Code List Age Qualifying Code (AQC) or use StringLength1to8 with CodeContext to use a non-OTA code. Identifies the source authority for the code. Identifies the location of the code table Specifies the number of travelers. Provides unique identification information. URL that identifies the location associated with the record identified by the UniqueID.
If the UniqueID type is within a POS element, the url identifies the seekda account on which behalf the request is made.
Within a read request it indicates the email address of the PNR to retrieve (response might include mutliple PNR.
A reference to the type of object defined by the UniqueID element. Refer to OTA Code List Unique ID Type (UIT).
requiered by OTA schema, currently not processed/validated by the seekda switch even if present in the message. Recommended values are:
  • 14 reservation - only used if the unique id element is outside the POS element (e.g. within a ReadRQ).
  • 13 Internet broker - will be used when a message is send from the switch.
  • 22 ERSP (Electronic reservation service provider) - if used within POS by the IBE or another channel that does bookings
Within a read request use 14 to indicate request of a reservation.
The identification of a record as it exists at a point in time. An instance is used in update messages where the sender must assure the server that the update sent refers to the most recent modification level of the object being updated.
not used
Used to provide a required unique identifier.
It is mandatory from OTA spec, however OTA allows only max 32 chars. seekda uses email ids to identify customers (up to 256 chars) - therefore the ID field can not be used to identify a seeka customer. Thus when the UniqueId element represents a customer the URL attribute has to be used to identify the customer (e.g. The field will be ignored by the seekda switch (use "n/a" as value to pass OTA validation).
Used to identify the source of the identifier (e.g., IATA, ABTA).
not used
Provides measurement information. This is the numeric value associated with the measurement. This is the standard unit of measure name (e.g., it could be generic such as metric or imperial or specific such as inches, feet, yards, miles, millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers- according to usage). The unit of measure in a code format (e.g., inches, pixels, centimeters). Refer to OTA Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM). A form of payment using a voucher or coupon. The date when a voucher becomes valid for use, if applicable, and the the date when a voucher or series of coupons expires and is no longer valid. Identification of a series of coupons or vouchers identified by serial number(s). This complex type identifies payment cards that are acceptable for a specific form of payment, along with the ability to provide free text information regarding payment cards. A collection of payment cards that are acceptable as a form of payment. Specific information of one payment card that is acceptable as a form of payment. Provides the information needed to describe a type of payment card that is acceptable as a form of payment. A usage fee (amount or percentage) may also be stated for this particular card type. General information regarding the use of payment cards. Used to define the types of payments accepted. An acceptable form of payment. Information about an address that identifies a location for a specific purposes. Indicates whether or not this is the default address.
not used
Describes the use of the address (e.g. mailing, delivery, billing, etc.). Refer to OTA Code List Address Use Type (AUT).
not used
Used elsewhere in the message to reference this specific address.
not used
Provides address information. May contain the street number and optionally the street name.
not used
Usually a letter right after the street number (A in 66-A, B in 123-B etc). Street direction of an address (e.g., N, E, S, NW, SW). Numerical equivalent of a rural township as defined within a given area (e.g., 12, 99).
Building name, room, apartment, or suite number.
not used
When true, the information is a building name.
When the address is unformatted (FormattedInd="false") these lines will contain free form address details. When the address is formatted and street number and street name must be sent independently, the street number will be sent using StreetNmbr, and the street name will be sent in the first AddressLine occurrence.
used pegasus - maps to field 5, 6 and 7 address
City (e.g., Dublin), town, or postal station (i.e., a postal service territory, often used in a military address).
used pegasus - maps to field 8 city
Post Office Code number.
used pegasus - maps to field 11 zip
County or Region Name (e.g., Fairfax). State or Province name (e.g., Texas). Country name (e.g., Ireland).
Specifies if the associated data is formatted or not. When true, then it is formatted; when false, then not formatted. Allows for control of the sharing of address information between parties. Defines the type of address (e.g. home, business, other). Refer to OTA Code List Communication Location Type (CLT).
Customer bank accounts for payments, either for paper checks or electronic funds transfer. The name the account is held under. Allows for control of the sharing of bank account information between parties. Code assigned by authorities to financial institutions; sometimes called bank routing number. Describes the bank account used for financing travel (e.g., checking, savings, investment). Identifier for the account assigned by the bank. If true, checks are accepted. If false, checks are not accepted. Provides blackout date information. Indicates black-out dates for the travel product/service. Identifies the common, or core, information associated with the request for cancellation of a reservation or other type of record. Sending own UniqueID and partner UniqueID - the receiving system needs to know which one - UniqueID acts as a reference for each system The person's name in a reservation. Used to specify if this is to initiate a cancellation or to commit the cancellation. May contain rules associated with canceling a reservation as well as the supplier's cancellation number. A collection of cancellation rules. Details of a cancellation rule. Contains the supplier's cancellation number. Provides the cancellation amount due according to the time before the booking date that the cancellation occurs. The amount may be either an amount or a percentage (e.g. 50% within 30 days or $100 outside 30 days). The card to be charged with the cancellation fee. The date by which a cancellation must be made in order to avoid this cancellation penalty. Provides the amount of the cancellation charge. The percentage to be applied for a cancellation. Defines how the cancellation penalty will be applied. A collection of comments. Comment details. Unique identifier for the system which created the comment.
used pegasus - maps to field 30 iata# set originatorCode to PEGS
When true, the comment may be shown to the consumer. When false, the comment may not be shown to the consumer.
Contains details pertaining to commissions. Identifies the recipient of the commission. The amount on which commission is calculated. Provides the currency amount on which the commission is applied. When true, indicates that the commission is calculated using the rate including tax. When false, indicates that the commission is calculated using the net rate. The amount of commission paid to the agency prior to the service being rendered. Provides the amount of commission paid to the agency prior to the service being rendered. A fixed commission amount. A fixed commission amount. The amount of commission to be paid. The amount of commission to be paid. Text related to the commission. Indicates the status of the commission payment itself (e.g. no-show indicates that a different commission may be applied if the reservation is not fulfilled). Indicates full commission. Indicates partial commission. Indicates no commission. Indicates customer did not use the reserved product or service and did not cancel. This "no show" may impact commission. Indicates the commission is being adjusted. The percent applied to the commissionable amount to determine the commission payable amount. Indicates the currency to be applied to the amounts located in the child elements. Identifies the reason why a commission is not paid or not paid in full. Identifies who should be billed for the commission amount. This is the frequency at which the commission is applied (e.g. per stay, daily). Refer to OTA Code List Charge Type (CHG). Maximum number of units for which the commission will be applied. This may be used in conjunction with the frequency attribute. The highest monetary value that may be paid for the commission. Identifies a company by name. Provides detailed information on a company.
not used
The division name or ID with which the contact is associated.
not used
The department name or ID with which the contact is associated.
not used
To specify connection locations, preference level for each, min connection time, and whether location is specified for stopping or changing. Specifies a connection location, preference level, min connection time, and whether the location is allowed for stopping or changing. When true, indicates the location is acceptable for a connection. When false the location should not be included for a connection. The preference level for the connection point - only, unacceptable, preferred. Number of minutes between connections. Specifies whether a connection is for a stopover or a change of flights. If true, other airports within this city may be considered (e.g., EWR, JFK when origin location is LGA.) Name of an individual and appropriate contact information. May be contact information for the customer or someone affiliated with the customer. This provides name information for a person. Information about a telephone number, including the actual number and its usage Information about a contact's telephone number, including the actual number and its usage. Information about an address that identifies a location for a specific purposes. Electronic email addresses, in IETF specified format. Web site address, in IETF specified format. Identifies a company by name. Employment identification; using an employee ID number, title, level within the company, and an indication of their status, i.e.: active, retired, on leave, or terminated from employment. Additional information about an employee can be entered into the element, including the name of the employee, if it differs from the person name identified as a customer or contact. Allows for control of the sharing of data between parties. Indicates that the receiving system should assume the default value if the user specifies no overriding value or action. Type of contact in the context of use for the travel experience; such as permanent, temporary, affiliation, travel arranger, etc. Indicates the type of relationship with the person or company in the profile, such as Spouse, Child, Family, Business Associate, Interest Group, Medical, Security,Other, etc. Indicates if this contact should be used in the case of an emergency. Provides a unique reference to this contact person. Provides the preferred method of communication. Refer to OTA code list Distribution Type (DTB). Indicates the method of distribution for the booking documentation. Refer to OTA code list Distribution Type (DTB). The name or code of a country (e.g. as used in an address or to specify citizenship of a traveller). ISO 3166 code for a country.
used pegasus - maps to field 10 country
Contains basic data on the customer's identity, location, relationships, finances, memberships, etc. Detailed name information for the customer. Information on a telephone number for the customer.
used IBE should allow to specify if a phone is a landline or mobile phone (use PhoneTechType attribute 1 - Voice or 5 - Mobile). We aim to use following fields: 1) For landline: CountryAccessCode, AreaCityCode and PhoneNumber 2) For mobile: CountryAccessCode and PhoneNumber
The first and last dates between which this telephone number is in effect. Information about a telephone number, including the actual number and its usage.
Information on an email address for the customer.
used pegasus - maps to field 14 email
Detailed information on an address for the customer. Identifies a company.
used pegasus - maps to field 46 guest_company_name
The first and last dates between which this address is in effect.
Information on a URL for the customer.
not used
Name of the (self-professed) country that is claimed for citizenship.
not used
Name of the (self-professed) country that is claimed for citizenship.
Describes the customer's physical challenge.
not used
Describes the customer's pet.
not used
Method of providing funds for travel by the customer.
not used
Identifies a traveler associated with the customer.
not used
Information on a contact person for the customer.
not used
Detailed document information for the customer (e.g., driver license, passport, visa).
not used
Loyalty program information for the customer.
not used
Program rewarding frequent use by accumulating credits for services provided by vendors.
Employment information for the customer.
not used
Identifies the customer's employer.
not used
not used
Identifies the gender of the customer. When true the customer is deceased.
not used
Indicates reason for locking out record, such as Emergency, Incident, etc.
not used
Identifies the birth date of the customer. Type of funds preferred for reviewing monetary values, in ISO 4217 codes. If true, indicates a very important person.
not used
Used to specify textual information about the customer.
not used
The primary language of the customer.
Used to specify a time window range by either specifying an earliest and latest date for the start date and end date or by giving a date with a time period that can be applied before and/or after the start date. Specifies a time period that can be applied before and/or after the start date.
not used
The earliest and latest dates acceptable for the start date.
not used
Identifies a date range.
The earliest and latest dates acceptable for the end date.
not used
Identifies a date range.
Defines the date and/or time span.
Company name and location for sending invoice for remittances for travel services. Company name to whom remittance should be directed. This may be used to pass the name of the contact at the company for which the direct bill applies. Address where remittance should be directed. Allows for control of the sharing of direct bill data between parties. Identifier for the organization to be billed directly for travel services. The number assigned by the subscriber for billing reconciliation of a corporate account. Provides information on a specific document. The name of the document holder in unformatted text (Mr. Sam Jones). The name of document holder in formatted text. Used to indicate any limitations on the document (e.g. as a person may only be allowed to spend a max of 30 days in country on a visitor's visa). A container for additional person names. The name of an additional person listed on this document. Allows for control of the sharing of document data between parties. Indicates the group or association that granted the document. Indicates the location where the document was issued. Unique number assigned by authorities to document. Indicates the type of document (e.g. Passport, Military ID, Drivers License, national ID, Vaccination Certificate). Refer to OTA Code List Document Type (DOC). The gender of the document holder. The birth date of the document holder. The effective and expiry date of the document. State or Province where the document was issued. Country where the document was issued. Specifies the birth country of the document holder. The country code of the nationality of the document holder. Provides contact name associated with the document. Provides the type of document holder. The document holder is an infant. The document holder is a head of household. Electronic email addresses, in IETF specified format. Allows for control of the sharing of email information between parties. Identifies whether or not this is the default email address. Defines the purpose of the e-mail address (e.g. personal, business, listserve). Refer to OTA Code List Email Address Type (EAT). Used elsewhere in the message to reference this specific email address. Employment identification; using an employee ID number, title, level within the company, and an indication of their status (e.g., active, retired, on leave, or terminated from employment). Additional information about an employee can be entered into the element, including the name of the employee, if it differs from the person name identified as a customer or contact. Identifier assigned to the employee. Level in employer organization (e.g. seniority) that coveys privileges. Title of employee in the employer company that conveys rank or privileges. Status of employment. Refer to OTA Code List Employee Status (EMP). Specifies the aircraft equipment type. This is the 3 character IATA code. Indicates there is an equipment change. Standard way to indicate that an error occurred during the processing of an OTA message The Error element MUST contain the Type attribute that uses a recommended set of values to indicate the error type. The validating XSD can expect to accept values that it has NOT been explicitly coded for and process them by using Type ="Unknown". Refer to OTA Code List Error Warning Type (EWT). Details of the error. An XPath expression that selects all the nodes whose data caused this error. Further, this expression should have an additional contraint which contains the data of the node. This will provide the offending data back to systems that cannot maintain the original message.
not used
A collection of errors that occurred during the processing of a message. An error that occurred during the processing of a message. Used for non-tax fees and charges (e.g. service charges) . Used for taxes on the associated fee. Text description of the fees in a given language. Indicates whether taxes are included when figuring the fees. Provides details of the fee. Provides the effective and expiry dates for the fee. When true, indicates the fee is mandatory. When false, the fee is not mandatory. An index code to identify an instance in a collection of like items. Specifies charge information by unit (e.g., room, person, item) and frequency (e.g., daily, weekly, stay). When true, indicates that the fee is subject to tax. A collection of fees. Fee Amount that is applied to the rate. Fees are used for non tax amounts like service charges. Construct for holding a flight segment availability object. Departure point of flight segment. Identifies the airport location for the departure. Arrival point of flight segment. Identifies the airport location for the arrival. The operating airline of the flight if it is a codeshare flight. The type of equipment used for the flight.. The date and time of the flight segment departure. Specifies the arrival date and time of a flight. The number of stops the flight makes Reference place holder for this flight segment. Used to specify the source of the data being exchanged as determined by trading partners. Used to provide subsection formatted text information. Details and content of a paragraph for a formatted text message. This attribute may be used to provide a title for a sub-section of the formatted free text. A sub-section may have multiple related paragraphs of information. For example, if used to provide driving directions there may be multiple paragraphs, and these paragraphs may be grouped into a sub-section called "Driving from the North". A second subsection may be titled "Driving from the South", and may contain several paragraphs to describe the driving directions when driving from the south. An optional code that may be assigned to this sub-section of formatted free text. This attribute may be used when there is a need to number all of the sub-sections of information that is to be presented. Provides text and indicates whether it is formatted or not. Textual information, which may be formatted as a line of information, or unformatted, as a paragraph of text.
not used
The language in which the text is provided. Indicates the format of text used in the description e.g. unformatted or html.
not used, we only allow unformated text at present
Textual data that is in ASCII format. HTML formatted text.
Collection of formatted text sub sections. Subsection formatted text information. This attribute may be used to provide a title for the formatted free text, for example, Driving Directions. Each of the sub sections that are defined to be a part of the formatted text would provide detailed information about the subject identified by the title. The language in which the content is provided. Textual information to provide descriptions and/or additional information. Language of the text. Describes an image item. A set of images for a given category which may be provided in multiple formats. Detailed information about an image. The language in which the image text is provided.
not used
Identifies the format of an image. Refer to OTA Code List Content Format Code (CFC).
used, see 6 jpg 7 gif 13 png
The name of the image file.
not used
The size of the image file. Associates the image size to a given category (e.g., 70x70, 100x100, 480x480, thumbnail). For example, if an image with a dimension of 72x73 is sent, it may be categorized as a 70x70 image.
not used
When true, the image is the original file and format. When false, the image is not the original file and format.
not used
The description associated with the image in a specific language.
The caption associated to a specific image category which can be provided in different languages.
Specifies the image category. Refer to OTA code list Picture Category Code (PIC).
used to classify a picture into a predefined group code, see 1 Exterior view: min. 1 - max. 3 2 Lobby view: min. 0 - max. 3 3 Pool view: min. 0 - max. 3 4 Restaurant: min. 0 - max. 3 6 Guest room: min. 1 - max. 3 7 Suite: min. 1 - max. 3 8 Meeting room: min. 0 - max. 3 10 Golf course: min. 0 - max. 3 11 Beach: min. 0 - max. 3 12 Spa: min. 0 - max. 3 13 Bar/Lounge: min. 0 - max. 3 15 Logo: min. 0 - max. 1 20 Miscellaneous: min. 0 - max. 3
Collection of image items. Image of a given category. Creation and modification information for this image item.
not used
If true, this item is obsolete and should be removed from the receiving system.
not used
The version of the image item.
not used
A unique identifying value assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation.
not used
Details for an image of a given category. URL of the multimedia item for a specific format. The unit of measure for the image item. Refer to OTA code list Unit of Measure (UOM).
not used
The width of the image item (unit specified by unit of measure). The height of the image item (unit specified by unit of measure).
Identifies the criterion for a search. The Position element contains three attributes, Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude, used to indicate the geographic location(s) requested by the search, expressed in notation specified by ISO standard 6709. It is likely that only the first two attributes, Latitude and Longitude, would be needed to define a geographic area.
not used
The geographic coordinates for the search.
Uses any part of address information, such as street name, postal code, or country code.
not used
When true, only locations in the same country as the specified city's country should be selected.
Telephone number(s) used in the search.
not used
Detailed telephone information for the search.
The Reference Point element allows for a search by proximity to a designated reference point by name.
not used
The state or province in which the reference point is located. The country in which the reference point is located. Used to specify a reference point by a code. Indicates the type of location being referenced (e.g., Airport, Hotel). Refer to the OTA code table Index Point Code (IPC). The name of the reference point. The name of the city associated with this reference point.
Indicates the location of points of interest.
not used
Used to identify the vicinity of the location. Refer to OTA Codelist Vehicle Where at Facility (VWF).
Indicates the detail of hotel reference information.
Detailed hotel information for the search. Used to search for hotels within a particular market segment. Refer to OTA Code Segment Category Code Type (SEG).
not used
Refer to OTA Code list OTA Code List Property Class Type (PCT).
not used
Refer to OTA Code List Architectural Style Code (ARC).
not used
The level of integration of a property to provide automated transaction information. The lower the number, the higher the integration (e.g., a 1 means the supplier has the highest level of integration automation).
not used
Used to search for hotels in a specific location category (e.g. downtown, airport or suburban, etc.). Refer to OTA Code List Location Category Codes (LOC).
not used
When true indicates the search should be performed beyond the hotel city code, typically this could include neighboring cities to the specified hotel city code.
not used
Used to specify the extent of a search area. The extent is relative to an element (position, address, hotel reference, etc.) present in this ItemSearchCriterionType that specifies a location.
not used
Used to provide distance and direction information from the referenced location.
Values of "true" or "false", indicating whether the string of the search value must be an exact match.
not used
An enumerated list, indicating the level of importance of the search criterion. Acceptable values are "Mandatory", "High", "Medium", or "Low."
not used
Indicates the item is required. Indicates a high level of importance. Indicates a medium level of importance. Indicates a low level of importance.
Defines a ranking scale expressed as integers; meaning and scale are based on individual implementations.
not used
Provides high-level information regarding a location. City (e.g., Dublin), town, or postal station (i.e., a postal service territory, often used in a military address). State or Province name (e.g., Texas). Country name (e.g., Ireland). Code and optional string to describe a location point. A code identifying a location. Information to acknowledge the receipt of a message. The presence of the empty Success element explicitly indicates that the OTA versioned message succeeded. Used in conjunction with the Success element to define one or more business errors. Errors is returned if the request was unable to be processed. May be used to return the unique id from the request message.
not used
not used
The OTA_PayloadStdAttributes defines the standard attributes that appear on the root element for all OTA payloads.
not used
This defines the information pertaining to rules and amounts associated with these rules. Provides the currency amount pertaining to the rule. Refer to OTA Code List Rule Type (RUL). The percent applicable to the monetary rule. The date and time applicable to this monetary rule. Refer to OTA Code List Payment Type (PMT). Contains multimedia item(s). A multimedia item. The date and time when the collection of multimedia information was last updated.
not used
Describes multimedia item(s). A collection of video items.
not used
A collection of image items. A collection of text items.
Used to designate a particular type of description such as marketing. Refer to OTA Code List Information Type (INF).
not used
Used to designate a particular type of additional information. Refer to OTA Code List Additional Detail Type (ADT).
not used
A unique identifying value assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation.
not used
The date and time when the multimedia information was last updated.
not used
The version of the content, typically in the form of "1" or "2.3."
not used
Identifies the operating carrier and flight number. The flight number as assigned by the operating carrier. The reservation booking designator of the operating carrier when different from the marketing carrier. Details of an operating schedule (e.g. a golf tee time may be more expensive during peak hours v. off peak hours). A collection of OperationTimes. Provides operating times of a facility. The day(s) of week to which the operation time applies. The date span applicable to the operation. Used to provide additional information regarding operation times (e.g., after hours operations, restricted times). Refer to OTA Codelist Additional Operation Info (OPR). The frequency with which this operation occurs (e.g., 'on the hour', 'on the half hour'). Textual information for this period of operation. The date span applicable to the operation schedule. Collection of operation schedules. The OperationSchedule class defines the dates and hours of operation. The date range for which the operation schedule information is valid. This allows a charge to be associated with operating times (e.g. a golf tee time may be more expensive during peak hours v. off peak hours). Cost associated with an amenity. The OperationSchedule class defines the dates and hours of operation in addition the charges that may apply. The OperationSchedule class defines details the dates and hours of operation. Used to provide a name for a sub-operation (e.g. an activity or event). Provides the details of one or more orders. Information pertaining to a specific order. A collection of products. The details associated to a specific product. The date or date and time that the product was issued. An identification number associated to the specific product. Identifies the type of product being purchased. The number of the specific product being purchased. The serial number of the specific product. The discount code that applies to the specific product. The amount related to the specific item (e.g., if the item being purchased is a gift certificate, and only one item is being purchased the full amount is applied to the gift certificate). The status of the product. This attribute would primarily be used in the response message to identify the status of the item being purchased. The order has been submitted, but has not yet been confirmed. The product being purchased is on back order. The product being purchased is unavailable. The order has been confirmed. The recipient(s) to whom the product pertains. Identifies the type of order. The identification number associated to the orders. The recipient(s) to whom the order pertains. Identifies the type of orders. A discount code that applies to the orders. The purchase order number of a sales intermediary. The identification number associated to the orders. Origin and Destination location, and time information for the request. Also includes the ability to specify a connection location for the search. Travel Origin Location - for example, air uses the IATA 3 letter code. If true, other airports within this city may be considered (i.e., EWR, JFK when origin location is LGA.) If true, alternate locations may be considered. Travel Destination Location - for example, air uses the IATA 3 letter code. If true, other airports within this city may be considered (i.e., EWR, JFK when origin location is LGA.) If true, alternate locations may be considered. Travel Connection Location - for example, air uses the IATA 3 letter code. Point of Sale (POS) is the details identifying the party or connection channel making the request.
used - always exactly one source
This holds details regarding the requestor. It may be repeated to also accommodate the delivery systems.
used - always exactly one source
An indication of a new paragraph for a sub-section of a formatted text message. Formatted text content.
used pegasus - maps to fields 30 Iata#
31 agent_name
32 agent_address1
33 agent_address2
34 agent_address3
35 agent_city
36 agent_state
37 agent_zip
38 agentphone
39 frqw_guest#
41 remarks
47 purpose_of_stay
51 callers_name
52 travel_agent_state
53 travel_agent_country_code
54 travel_agent_country_name
55 guest_state_or_prov
56 group_reservsation_id
57 pms_conf
58 group_name
59 frqw_air_numb
60 frqw_car_numb
63 reserved
64 reserved
65 reserved
66 reserved
67 reserved
68 reserved
69 reserved
70 reserved
71 reserved
72 reserved
73 reserved
74 reserved
75 reserved
make one comment with line break for all fields
used pegasus - maps to fields 61 and 62 guarantee_cancel_policy_code guarantee_cancel_policy_text
An image for this paragraph.
not used
A URL for this paragraph.
not used
Formatted text content and an associated item or sequence number.
not used
In many cases the description repeats, this will allow you to define the information that is being sent, typically used when multiple occurrences of ParagraphType are being sent.
used to indicate the type of description. At present we interpret "TITLE" and "DESCRIPTION", whereas the title is the short description with a max. of 35 characters with only alphanumeric chars (incl. spaces). Description can be 300 chars and is optional.
not used
The sequence number for the paragraph.
not used
Creation date time, Creator ID, last modification date time and last modifier ID for the paragraph.
not used
The language for this paragraph.
not used
Identification about a specific credit card Name of the card holder.
used pegasus - maps to field 18 cc_name
Issuer of the card.
not used
Name of bank or organization issuing the card (e.g., alumni association, bank, fraternal organization).
Card holder's address.
Allows for control of the sharing of payment card data between parties. Indicates the type of magnetic striped card. Refer to OTA Code ListCard Type (CDT).
not used
The 2 character code of the credit card issuer.
used did not find a common code table, but the following seems to be a good aprox. AX American Express/Optima
VI Visa/Delta
MC MasterCard
CB Carte Blanche
DC Diners Club
DI Discover/Novus
SW Switch/Solo
DS Discover Card
used pegasus - maps to field 15 cc_type
did not find a common code table, but the following seems to be a good aprox. AX American Express
VI Visa
MC Master Card
IK Master Card
CA Master Card
DS Discover Card
DC Diners Club
CB Carte Blanche
EC EuroCard
JC Japan Credit
Credit card number embossed on the card.
used pegasus - maps to field 16 cc#
Verification digits printed on the card following the embossed number. This may also accommodate the customer identification/batch number (CID), card verification value (CVV2 ), card validation code number (CVC2) on credit card. Date the card becomes valid for use (optional) and the date the card expires (required) in ISO 8601 prescribed format. May be used to send a concealed credit card number (e.g., xxxxxxxxxxxx9922). Provides a reference pointer that links the payment card to the payment card holder.
not used
When true, the credit card company is requested to delay the date on which the amount of this transaction is applied to the customer's account.
not used
Details of payment. The currency amount of the payment. The approval code returned as part of an authorization process. Used to specify the form of payment. Refer to OTA Code List Payment Type (PMT). Ways of providing funds for travel by the individual. Details of a debit or credit card.
Details of a bank account.
not used
Details of a direct billing arrangement.
not used
Details of a paper or electronic document indicating prepayment.
not used
The effective date, expiry date and series code of the voucher. Reference of the billing account which handles the payment transaction. Unique identifier of the electronic voucher, created by the supplier. Unique identifier of the electronic voucher. Defines the type of voucher (e.g., full credit or partial credit). When true, indicates the voucher is electronic. An E-voucher is a value document issued by the Travel Agent for the customer. The e-voucher can be used as a proof of reservation, but more normally, as a full-payment or partial payment.
Details of a loyalty redemption arrangement. This is normally miles or points.
not used
A certificate may be needed in order to redeem miles or points. Certificates may be used in combination with each other as part of a reservation. Identifies the loyalty scheme, programs and promotions within the scheme, membership reference, format of the certificate, the number of nights it can be used and its current status. Identifies the Loyalty scheme, programs and promotions within the scheme, membership reference, form factor used by the certificate, the number of nights it can be used for and its current status. Used to provide a promotion code of the loyalty redemption. The quantity of loyalty units being redeemed.
Details of a miscellaneous charge order (MCO).
not used
The ticket number of the miscellaneous charge order (MCO).
Used to indicate payment in cash.
not used
If true, this indicates cash is being used.
Allows for control of the sharing of payment form data between parties. A reference to identify the billing department for allocating cost of travel to company account.
not used
Provides a reference to a specific form of payment.
not used
This is used to indicate either a charge or reserve (deposit). This indicates that an actual payment has been made. This indicates that a hold for the indicated amount has been placed on a credit card or that a cash amount has been taken from the customer to guarantee final payment.
Collection of payment rules. One specific payment rule associated with this reservation. For example, a date by which a deposit must be received. This provides name information for a person. Salutation of honorific. (e.g., Mr. Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr.)
not used
Given name, first name or names
used pegasus - maps to field 4 first_name
The middle name of the person name e.g "van der", "von", "de"
not used
Family name, last name.
used pegasus - maps to field 3 last_name
Hold various name suffixes and letters (e.g. Jr., Sr., III, Ret., Esq.).
not used
Degree or honors (e.g., Ph.D., M.D.)
Allows for control of the sharing of person name data between parties. Type of name of the individual, such as former, nickname, alternate or alias name. Refer to OTA Code List Name Type (NAM).
The RateQualifierType complex type describes fully rate information associated with a specific rate quotation, including the description of any promotions that may apply. This may be used to provide additional information about the promotion code. Collection of rate comments. This may be used to provide any additional information about rates (e.g., must return by Monday at 8 AM). Defines the type of rate comments (e.g., textual rule, marketing information). Basic information pertaining to a rate. Indicates if this rate is only available to those customers who are flying to the vehicle rental location. The rate authorization code for this rate. The identifier assigned to this rate by the vendor. Information about one or more recipients. Contact and/or reservation information pertaining to the recipient. Provides the reservation number of the recipient for delivery of the product. Informtion pertaining to the shipment of a product to the recipient. The method of shipment (e.g., air, ground, pickup). The shipping carrier (e.g., USPS, UPS, FedEx). The charges associated with shipment of the item. A collection of comments. Comment information pertaining to the purchase. This may be used to pass a message to be printed on a note card. Used to provide a reference to an object that is stored elsewhere in a collection of the same objects. The unique reference for an object within this message. Other traveler profiles associated with an specific individual. Identifies the profile of the related traveler. Person associated with the traveler. Allows for control of the sharing of related traveler data between parties. Indicates the type of relationship with the person in the profile, such as Spouse, Child, Family, Business Associate, Interest Group, Medical, Security, Other, etc. The RelativePosition object contains information about the direction, distance and travel time to/from a facility (hotel, car rental location, or airport) or to/from a designated location. Defines the position of an entity in relation to another entity (e.g. from an airport to a hotel, the relationship is dependant on use). The indicator for whether this location is nearest. This is the object referred to by the relative position (e.g. cross street, airport). Refer to OTA Code List Index Point Code (IPC). This is used to accommodate a city name, rail station name etc. when using the indexPoint attribute. Indicates whether the reference point is considered the main reference point for the specific type of IndexPointCode (e.g., in Dallas, where IndexPointCode=airport Dallas/Fort Worth airport would be the primary airport even if another airport such as Love Field is closer). Used to indicate whether the context is to a facility or from a facility. Indicates the direction is to the facility based on use (e.g., hotel, car rental location, airport). Indicates the direction is from the facility based on use (e.g., hotel, car rental location, airport). When true, the distance information is approximate. Information associated with a specific restaurant. Multimedia information about the restaurant. Used to pass restaurant attire information. Indicates the directions to a specific restaurant. Collection of operating times for the restaurant including detail such as season, day of week, or a combination. Collection of types of restaurant. Indicates the generic type of restaurant such as fast food, cafe, fine dining, etc. This name refers to an OTA Code List table (e.g. RestaurantCategoryCode/InfoCode). The actual code is passed in the Code attribute. Refer to OTA Code List Restaurant Srvc Info (RSI). This uses OTA Code Table Beverage Code. This uses OTA Code Table Available Meal Category Codes. This uses OTA Code Table RestaurantCategoryCode. This uses OTA Code Table Restaurant Policy Code. Refer to OTA Code List Restaurant Category (RES). May be used to give further detail on the code or to remove an obsolete item. Collection of cuisine types of restaurant. The code for the type of cuisine served at the restaurant. Refer to OTA Code List Main Cuisine Code (CUI). May be used to give further detail on the code or to remove an obsolete item. Indicates whether this cuisine code is the main cuisine offered by restaurant. This attribute is used to explicitly define whether the Code applies. Refer to OTA Code list Option Type Code (OTC). This is used in conjunction with Code. Descriptive text that describes the restaurant. The name of the restaurant at the facility. The total seating capacity for this restaurant. The maximum number of people that can be seated as a single party in this restaurant. Identification code of the restaurant service or facility for inventory and booking purposes if the service is an inventoriable item. Denotes whether a service is onsite, offsite or information is not available. Refer to OTA Code Table Proximity (PRX). This may be used to uniquely identify the restaurant. Used to define the display order. Provides information on the source of a request. An identifier of the entity making the request (e.g. ATA/IATA/ID number, Electronic Reservation Service Provider (ERSP), Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA)).
used for every message to describe where it came from
This password provides an additional level of security that the recipient can use to validate the sending party's authority to use the message.
Authentication can be performed on 2 layers: (1) A system can be trusted based on its network address IP, this is for example the case for a channel manager application deployed within seekdas infrastructure. If the IP is trustes the switch accepts that the message is performing an action on behalf of the entity identified by the @URL attribute. (2) If the IP from which the request originates is not trusted the identity of the entity identified by the URL attribute is verified using the message password. Username (email extracted from @URL) and password will be verified against the seekda LDAP server. Password changes and lost passwords can be requested at: respectively OTA does force a maximum length on the password which seekda does not, therefore the password is expected not to be in clear text, but hashed using the Crypt algorithm which output is always 11 character long. Free Java implementation of crypt can be found at In order for authentication to work you need to used "ab" as salt for the crypt algorithm.
Specifies the latitude and longitude of a source.
not used
Used to specify the geographic coordinates of the source of the request.
Specifies the booking channel type and whether it is the primary means of connectivity of the source.
not used
Identifies the company that is associated with the booking channel. Specifies the booking channel type and whether it is the primary means of connectivity of the source.
seekda propriatary extension. Locking resources.
Identifies the party within the requesting entity.
not used
An identification code assigned to an office/agency by a reservation system.
not used
The country code of the requesting party.
not used
The currency code in which the reservation will be ticketed.
not used
An authority code assigned to a requestor.
not used
The IATA assigned airline code.
not used
The IATA assigned airport code.
not used
The point of first departure in a trip.
not used
Electronic Reservation Service Provider (ERSP) assigned identifier used to identify the individual using the ERSP system.
not used
This is the electronic address of the device from which information is entered.
used - Terminals will be identified by their IPs. Generally within any transactions multiple IPs are involved (end user Web browser, application server, switch, etc.) For messages send to the switch, this field should include the IP of the end user (as far as known) that created the message by a particular action. If a user for example books a room using the IBE this field should include the IP from which the users Web browser issued the request for the booking. The Hotel ResNotif message will be sent from the Application server IP address (which can be obtained by the switch from the TCP/IP protocol layer). Messages that are sent from the switch will not include this field.
SpecialRequests : SpecialRequest A collection of SpecialRequest objects. The collection of all special requests associated with any part of the reservation (the reservation in its entirety, one or more guests, or one or more room stays). Which special requests belong to which part is determined by each object's SpecialRequestRPHs collection. The SpecialRequest object indicates special requests for a particular guest, service or reservation. Each of these may be independent of any that are tied to the profile (see Profile Synchronization standard). This identifies a special request for this reservation and is typically hotel-specific. Identifies the source authority for the RequestCode. Allows you to pass the number of units that the special request is for (e.g., if 4 rooms are booked you may want 3 with double/double beds and 1 with a king). State, province, or region name or code needed to identify location. The standard code or abbreviation for the state, province, or region.
used pegasus - maps to field 9 state
Street name; number on street. Defines a Post Office Box number. Standard way to indicate successful processing of an OTA message. Returning an empty element of this type indicates success. Applicable tax element. This element allows for both percentages and flat amounts. If one field is used, the other should be zero since logically, taxes should be calculated in only one of the two ways. Text description of the taxes in a given language. Provides details of the tax.
not used
Provides the effective and expiry dates for the tax.
not used
Specifies charge information by unit (e.g., room, person, item) and frequency (e.g., daily, weekly, stay).
not used
A collection of taxes. An individual tax. Used to provide a total of all the taxes. Describes a text item. The URL for a specific text item..
not used
The text in a specific language. Sequence number associated with this description.
not used
Specifies the text category. Refer to OTA code list Picture Category Code (PIC).
not used
Generic information about the text multimedia item. The language of the text item.
Collection of text items. Text description of a given category. Creation and modification information for this text item.
not used
If true, this item is obsolete and should be removed from the receiving system. The version of the text item.
not used
Used to specify a time period, which may additionally include a minimum and/or maximum duration. A minimum duration. A maximum duration. Specifies a time window. A period of time that can be applied to another time resulting in an earlier range of time. A period of time that can be applied to another time resulting in a later range of time. When true the requested period may extend over the previous or following day. When false, the search period is restricted to the date specified. Normally used when the window duration is in hours. The total amount charged for the service including additional amounts and fees. A collection of taxes.
not used
The total before taxes are applied.
not used
The total after taxes have been applied.
used - all amounts are specified after tax. Only local "kurtaxe" might be added, but that is the hoteliers business and must be mentioned in its terms.
used pegasus - maps to field 40 booked_rates
When true, amounts do not contain additional fees or charges.
not used
Used to define the types of transportation offered. Collection of directions to/from a specific location via various modes of transportation Defines the type of transportation offered. Contains the directions to/from a specific location for a mode of travel. Multimedia information about the transportation. Collection of operation schedules for the transportation. Descriptive text that describes the transportation. This would be used for information such as a shuttle needs to be requested or a reservation is required. The mode of transportation. Refer to OTA Code List Transportation Code (TRP). Refer to OTA Codelist Charge Type (CHG). When true there is no additional charge for transportation. May be used to give further detail on the code (e.g. if a trolley is chosen, the trolley name could be added here) or to remove an obsolete item. Descriptive information about the mode of transportation. The normal (average) travel time required to get to or from the location, measured in minutes. The currency amount of the tranportation charge. This attribute is used to explicitly define whether the type of transportation applies. Refer to OTA Code list Option Type Code (OTC). This is used in conjunction with TransportationCode. A unique identifying value assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation. Date and time of trip that allows specifying a time window before and after the given date. The departure date and optionally a time period that can be applied before and/or after the departure date. The arrival date and optionally a time period that can be applied before and/or after the arrival date. A container to relate individual travelers to an inventory or chargeable item. Provides a pointer to a traveler defined elsewhere in this message. A pointer to identify a traveler defined elsewhere in this message. Web site address, in IETF specified format. Allows for control of the sharing of URL data between parties. Defines the purpose of the URL address, such as personal, business, public, etc. Indicates whether or not this is the default URL. An identifier used to uniquely reference an object in a system (e.g. an airline reservation reference, customer profile reference, booking confirmation number, or a reference to a previous availability quote). Identifies the company that is associated with the UniqueID.
not used
Provides formatted textual information that a vendor wishes to make known. The type of information is indicated To define the type of information such as Description, Policy, Marketing, etc. Refer to OTA Code List Information Type (INF). Collection of vendor messages. A specific message associated with this vendor Collection of data used to ensure the correct reservation is canceled or modified (e.g. in the case of a hotel reservation modification, a CustLoyalty/ MembershipID would be verified as part of the reservation that you plan to modify to ensure the correct reservation is being modified). Detailed name information. When true the full name is not provided. Information on an email address. Information on a telephone number. Information about a telephone number, including the actual number and its usage. Payment Card information. Detailed information on an address. Loyalty program information. Details of the customer loyalty membership. Vendor or vendors associated with the reservation. The start and end date of the reservation. The start and end date of the reservation. Quantity or quantities that are associated with the reservation (e.g., number of seats, number of rooms, number of people). Used to specify a quantity of an item as defined by the code. Start location associated with the reservation. A date and time associated with this start location. End location associated with the reservation. A date and time associated with this end location. Describes a video item. A set of video of a given category can be provided in different Format , each format will be described in this element Multimedia information for the video file. A unique identifying value assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation. Specifies the video category. Refer to OTA code list Picture Category Code (PIC). Collection of video items. Each video item represents a specific category. The language associated with the caption for the video. The caption associated to a specific video category which can be provided in different languages. If true, this item is obsolete and should be removed from the receiving system. The version of the video item. Creation and modification information for this video item.
not used
Details for a video of a given category. URL of the multimedia item for a specific format. The unit of measure associated with all the dimensions of the multimedia item. Refer to OTA code list Unit of Measure (UOM). The width of the video item (unit specified by unit of measure). The height of the video item (unit specified by unit of measure). The bit rate of the video item. The length of the video item (unit specified by unit of measure). Multimedia information for the video item. Standard way to indicate successful processing of an OTA message, but one in which warnings are generated The Warning element MUST contain the Type attribute that uses a recommended set of values to indicate the warning type. The validating XSD can expect to accept values that it has NOT been explicitly coded for and process them by using Type ="Unknown". Refer to OTA Code List Error Warning Type (EWT). Reference Place Holder used as an index for this warning.
not used
Collection of warnings. Used in conjunction with the Success element to define a business error. Method by which confirmations should be delivered. Additional data that will be sent with the confirmation. This could be used to include a map, pictures, or any other information that the reservation source wishes to include with the confirmation An email address to which the confirmation should be sent. The language in which the confirmation should be provided. The name to which the confirmation should be addressed. The mailing address to which the confirmation should be delivered. The telephone number associated with the delivery address. When true a written confirmation was requested and will be sent. A placeholder in the schema to allow for additional elements and attributes to be included if required, per Trading Partner Agreement (TPA).