package org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.defaultvalueplugin; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory; import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; import com.sun.codemodel.ClassType; import com.sun.codemodel.JBlock; import com.sun.codemodel.JCatchBlock; import com.sun.codemodel.JClass; import com.sun.codemodel.JCodeModel; import com.sun.codemodel.JDefinedClass; import com.sun.codemodel.JEnumConstant; import com.sun.codemodel.JExpr; import com.sun.codemodel.JFieldVar; import com.sun.codemodel.JMod; import com.sun.codemodel.JTryBlock; import com.sun.codemodel.JType; import com.sun.codemodel.JVar; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSElementDecl; import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSParticle; import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSTerm; /** * Modifies the JAXB code model to set default values to the schema "default" attribute. * Currently, the following field types can be initialized: * * * Created: Mon Apr 24 22:04:25 2006 * * @author Hari Selvarajan * @author Jürgen Lukasczyk * @version 1.1 */ public class DefaultValuePlugin extends Plugin { /** * Name of Option to enable this plugin */ static private final String OPTION_NAME = "Xdefault-value"; /** * Creates a new DefaultValuePlugin instance. * */ public DefaultValuePlugin() { } /** * DefaultValuePlugin uses "-Xdefault-value" as the command-line * argument * */ public String getOptionName() { return OPTION_NAME; } /** * Return usage information for plugin * */ public String getUsage() { return " -"+OPTION_NAME+" : enable rewriting of classes to set default values for fields as specified in XML schema"; } /** * Run the plugin. We perform the following steps: * * * */ public boolean run(Outline outline, Options opt, ErrorHandler errorHandler) { // For all Classes generated for (ClassOutline co : outline.getClasses()) { // Some conversions may have to add class level code JFieldVar dtf = null; // Helper code: DatatypeFactory // check all Fields in Class for (FieldOutline f : co.getDeclaredFields()) { CPropertyInfo fieldInfo = f.getPropertyInfo(); // Do nothing if Field is not created from an xsd particle if (!(fieldInfo.getSchemaComponent() instanceof XSParticle)) { continue; } XSTerm term = ((XSParticle) fieldInfo.getSchemaComponent()).getTerm(); // Default values only necessary for fields derived from an xsd:element if (!term.isElementDecl()) { continue; } XSElementDecl element = term.asElementDecl(); // Do nothing if no default value if (element.getDefaultValue() == null) { continue; } String defaultValue = element.getDefaultValue().value; // Get handle to JModel representing the field Map fields = co.implClass.fields(); JFieldVar var = fields.get(fieldInfo.getName(false)); // Handle primitive types via boxed representation (treat boolean as java.lang.Boolean) JType type = f.getRawType(); if (type.isPrimitive()) type = type.boxify(); String typeFullName = type.fullName(); // Create an appropriate default expression depending on type if ("java.lang.String".equals(typeFullName)) { var.init(JExpr.lit(defaultValue)); if (opt.verbose) System.out.println("[INFO] Initializing String variable " +fieldInfo.displayName() +" to \""+defaultValue+"\""); } else if ("java.lang.Boolean".equals(typeFullName)) { var.init(JExpr.lit(Boolean.valueOf(defaultValue))); if (opt.verbose) System.out.println("[INFO] Initializing Boolean variable " +fieldInfo.displayName() +" to "+defaultValue+""); } else if ( ("java.lang.Byte".equals(typeFullName)) || ("java.lang.Short".equals(typeFullName)) || ("java.lang.Integer".equals(typeFullName)) ) { // CodeModel does not distinguish between Byte, Short and Integer literals var.init(JExpr.lit(Integer.valueOf(defaultValue))); if (opt.verbose) System.out.println("[INFO] Initializing Integer variable " +fieldInfo.displayName() +" to "+defaultValue+""); } else if ("java.lang.Long".equals(typeFullName)) { var.init(JExpr.lit(Long.valueOf(defaultValue))); if (opt.verbose) System.out.println("[INFO] Initializing Long variable " +fieldInfo.displayName() +" to "+defaultValue+""); } else if ("java.lang.Float".equals(typeFullName)) { var.init(JExpr.lit(Float.valueOf(defaultValue))); if (opt.verbose) System.out.println("[INFO] Initializing Float variable " +fieldInfo.displayName() +" to "+defaultValue+""); } else if ( ("java.lang.Single".equals(typeFullName)) || ("java.lang.Double".equals(typeFullName)) ) { // CodeModel does not distinguish between Single and Double literals var.init(JExpr.lit(Double.valueOf(defaultValue))); if (opt.verbose) System.out.println("[INFO] Initializing Double variable " +fieldInfo.displayName() +" to "+defaultValue+""); } else if ("javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar".equals(typeFullName)) { // XMLGregorianCalender is constructed by DatatypeFactory, so we have to have // an instance of that once per class if (dtf == null) { dtf = installDtF(co.implClass); if (dtf == null) continue; } // Use our DtF instance to generate the initialization expression var.init(JExpr.invoke(dtf, "newXMLGregorianCalendar") .arg(defaultValue)); if (opt.verbose) System.out.println("[INFO] Initializing XMLGregorianCalendar variable " +fieldInfo.displayName() +" with value of "+defaultValue); } else if ( (type instanceof JDefinedClass) && (((JDefinedClass) type).getClassType() == ClassType.ENUM) ) { // Find Enum constant JEnumConstant constant = findEnumConstant(type, defaultValue, outline); if (constant != null) { var.init(constant); if (opt.verbose) System.out.println("[INFO] Initializing enum variable " + fieldInfo.displayName() + " with constant " + constant.getName()); } } // Don't know how to create default for this type else { System.out.println("[WARN] Did not create default value for field " + fieldInfo.displayName() + ". Don't know how to create default value expression for fields of type " + typeFullName + ". Default value of \""+defaultValue+"\" specified in schema" ); } } // for FieldOutline } // for ClassOutline return true; } /** * Retrieve the enum constant that correlates to the string value. * @param enumType Type identifying an Enum in the code model * @param enumStringValue Lexical value of the constant to search * @param outline Outline of the code model * @return The matching Constant from the enum type or NULL if not found */ private JEnumConstant findEnumConstant(JType enumType, String enumStringValue, Outline outline) { // Search all Enums generated for (EnumOutline eo : outline.getEnums()) { // Is it the type of my variable? if (eo.clazz == enumType) { // Search all Constants of that enum for (EnumConstantOutline eco : eo.constants) { // Is the enum generated from the XML defaut value string? if ( { return eco.constRef; } } // for Constants // Did not find the constant??? System.out.println("[WARN] Could not find EnumConstant for value: "+enumStringValue); return null; } } // Did not find the type?? System.out.println("[WARN] Could not find Enum class for type: "+enumType.fullName()); return null; } /** * Enhance the CodeModel of a Class to include a {@link DatatypeFactory} as a static private field. * The factory is needed to construct {@link XMLGregorianCalendar} from String representation. * @param parentClass Class where the DatatypeFactory will be created * @return Reference to the created static field */ private JFieldVar installDtF(final JDefinedClass parentClass) { try { JCodeModel cm = parentClass.owner(); // Create a static variable of type DatatypeFactory JClass dtfClass = cm.ref(DatatypeFactory.class); JFieldVar dtf = parentClass.field(JMod.STATIC | JMod.FINAL | JMod.PRIVATE, dtfClass, "DATATYPE_FACTORY"); // Initialize variable in static block JBlock si = parentClass.init(); JTryBlock tryBlock = si._try(); tryBlock.body().assign(dtf, dtfClass.staticInvoke("newInstance")); // Catch exception & rethrow as unchecked Exception JCatchBlock catchBlock = tryBlock._catch(cm.ref(DatatypeConfigurationException.class)); JVar ex = catchBlock.param("ex"); JClass runtimeException = cm.ref(RuntimeException.class); catchBlock.body()._throw(JExpr._new(runtimeException) .arg("Unable to initialize DatatypeFactory") .arg(ex)); // Return reference to initialized static field return dtf; } catch (Exception e) { // We don't want JAXB to break of any plugin error System.out.println("[ERROR] Failed to create code"); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } }