Commonly used attributes External reference to media. Media in any defined format such as images, audio, video or text. Textual string. Free Text Information content in one or more forms. A complete description A long textual description. A short textual description. Meta-data about a structure or substructure within this instance. Calandar Date. SO8601 date/time entry. extension extension extension The data value for the declared field Typing information for field name vocabulary. Identifier The record unique reference mechanism. Privacy categories A container for the privacy information. Something produced by the learner. Globally unique and record unique referencing mechanism. Source of an adjacent element's contents An identification provided by a specified source. Presumed, but not required, to be unique. State or progress. Time meta-data e.g. expiry date of the information. The container for the temporal information. A vocabulary term from a defined vocabulary. The source of a vocabulary's term. The vocabulary value term. A geopolitical address. A representative for the learner. The responsibilities for the learner's agent. Apartment number. Prefix to the apartment number in the address Suffix to the apartment number in the address. Type of apartment in the street address. Telephone area code. A geopolitical municipality. A set of buildings. Information for contacting the learner electronically. A geopolitical subdivision of a state The telephone code for a country. Demographic information about the learner. Email address. extension The extension for the PSTN number The PSTN number for the facsimile. Formatted name for the learner. Sex Geospatial position in lattitude and longitude. Information that identifies this particular learner. The actual PSTN number. Latitude for the geospatial information. Locality part of the address. Longitude for the geospatial information. The mobile telephone number. An element containing elements that contain a person's name. Full address in free format. The number for the pager. a part of a person's name. Geopolitical place of birth Post Office Box Postal code A geographic section. Represenation of the learner e.g. a photograph A major geopolitical subdivision of a country. The street part of an address. The human readaable name of a street. An integer number designating a location on a street Street name prefix Suffix of the street. Designation of street type, e.g., Street, Blvd.. Telephone number. Time zone relative to Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Unique Identification. Web address. The type of the organisation. extension The level of the QCL. Qualifications, Certifications and Licenses. Registration number of the QCL- The title of the QCL. extension Learner's goals Duration information associated with th evaluation Evaluation meta-data. Evaluation results of the activity. Identification of the evaluation instrument. extension extension Interpretation information to provide context for the associated score. Number of attempts at the associated evaluation. The objectives covered by the evaluation. The results from the evaluation. A score awarded for the evaluation. Activity undertaken by the learner. The structural description of the activity undertaken. The container for the activity definition structure. extension extension extension External reference to learning activity material. A testimonial about the learner's capabilities as part of an activity. The credits awarded for taking that activity. The container for the units information- A transcript is an institution's classical summary record of the educational activity undertaken by a learner. extension The record information itself. Record format The learner's competencies. extension extension A record of a learner's activities in an undefined format. The learner's access capabiloties in terms of language proficiency, access technolgy, eligibility and disability. Disabilities of the learner (a version1.x feature). The learner's eligibility (a version 1.x feature). extension extension extension extension extension Human language proficiencies (oral, read, write) The preference code. Learner's preferences. Degree of capability extension A learner's interest(s) extension The role adopted by the learner as part of an affiliation. An affiliation with a group or entity. The affiliation membership number. extension extension The container information for the security keys. The access security features to the information. A compound structured the defines a relationship between or among resources. The destination of the relationship arc. The nature of a relationship The source of the relationship arcs. extension A relationship between or among elements within this instance. extension Learner Information Package root element that contains all of the information about the learner in this instance.