The communication diversion service. Use xsi:nil="true" to withdraw the entire service. The configuration parameters for the communication diversion service that are available to the operator rather than the user. This must be present on the creation of the communication-diversion service. The configuration parameters for the communication diversion service that are available for the user to set directly. These can also be set on the user's behalf by the operator. This shall only be present if the service is provisioned i.e. cdiv-operator-configuration is present and activated is "true" Operator Part of Communication Diversion The activated element has values "true" or "false". When set to "true" the user is provisioned with the communication diversion service. If set to "false" this will withdraw the user service and the cdiv-user-configuration element must be deleted at the same time. This must be present on the creation of the communication-diversion service. The user-no-reply-timer has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to control the length of the no reply timer for the user, thus overriding the configured CFNR nodal timer. The cdiv-op-conditions element is a grouping element for fine-grain provisioning options that control which conditions the subscriber is permitted to use in communication diversion rules The anonymous-condition element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the anonymous condition in communication diversion rules. The busy-condition element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the cdiv-call-state condition with the value of "busy" in communication diversion rules. The identity-condition element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the identity condition in communication diversion rules. The media-condition element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use media conditions in communication diversion rules. The not-registered-condition element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the cdiv-call-state condition with the value of "not-registered" in communication diversion rules. The no-answer-condition element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the cdiv-call-state condition with the value of "no-answer" in communication diversion rules. The presence-status-condition element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use presence-status conditions in communication diversion rules. The validity-condition element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the validity condition in communication diversion rules. The not-reachable-condition element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the cdiv-call-state condition with the value of "not-reachable" in communication diversion rules. The valid-periods-condition element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the valid-periods condition in communication diversion rules. The invalidity-condition element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the invalidity condition in communication diversion rules. The cdiv-op-actions element is a grouping element for fine-grain provisioning options to control which actions the user is permitted to use for communication diversion rules. The notify-caller-action element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the notify-caller action in communication diversion rules to control whether the caller is notified that the call is being forwarded The notify-served-user-action element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the notify-served-user action in communication diversion rules to control whether the served user is notified that the call is being forwarded The notify-served-user-on-outbound-call-action element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the notify-served-user-on-outbound-call action in communication diversion rules to control whether the served user is notified that calls are being forwarded when he makes a call attempt The reveal-identity-to-caller-action has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the reveal-identity-to-caller action in communication diversion rules to control whether the caller being notified that the call is being forwarded receives the target's identity information The reveal-identity-to-target-action has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the reveal-identity-to-target action in communication diversion rules to control whether the diverted-to party receives identity information of the diverting party. The rule-no-reply-timer has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated“ it allows the subscriber to use the no reply timer in the action of communication diversion rules to control the length of the no reply timer on a per rule basis. The do-not-disturb-action element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the do-not-disturb action in communication diversion rules to control whether the caller is handled by do-not-disturb service (e.g. treated with specific charging scheme, etc.) The play-announcement-action element has values "activated" or "deactivated". When set to "activated" it allows the subscriber to use the play-announcement action in communication diversion rules to control whether the caller is presented by specific announcement handled by generic announcement service. The maximum number of allowed CDIV rules in the user document. Not specified or zero limit means no limit The active element has values "true" or "false". It controls whether the communication diversion service is active or not for this subscriber Grouping element for a set of zero or more service options The NoReplyTimer element specifies the time that must expire without answer before the no answer condition is triggered. The value is an integer giving the timer in the range of 5 to 180 seconds. This value applies to rules with no-answer conditions which do not contain their own individual timer. Grouping element for a set of zero or more user rules An individual rule controlling communication diversion behaviour. The cdiv-rule element is a sub-MO allowing multiple instances with "id" as the unique key. A unique identifier for an individual rule. This must be unique within the scope of the complete document. This must be present on the creation of a cdiv-rule. The cdiv-conditions element is a grouping element for conditions for a rule. All conditions must be satisfied for the rule to take effect. If no conditions are present then the rule is always applicable. The conditions that are permitted depend on the fine grain provisioning options in cdiv-op-conditions The cdiv-actions element is a grouping element for the actions for a rule. This must be present on the creation of a cdiv-rule. The rule-deactivated element has values "true" or "false". If present with the value "true" this has the effect of deactivating the individual rule. Set to "false" to remove this condition. The cdiv-call-state condition controls which state the user must be in for the rule to apply. The value "busy" is satisfied if the user is busy in other calls. The value "no-answer" applies when there is no answer from the user. The value "not-registered" applies when the user is not registered on the MTAS. The value "not-reachable" applies when the user is not reachable because either a specific response has been received or the not reachable timer expires. The value "unconditional" is used to clear the other call state values so that the condition is satisfied regardless of the user's call state. The cdiv-caller-identity element is a grouping element for conditions which are based on the caller's identity (or lack of an identity in the case of anonymous). The anonymous element is an empty element specifying a condition which is satisfied if the caller is anonymous. This can be removed by deleting the enclosing cdiv-caller-identity element or by replacing it with an identity element. The elements anonymous and identity are mutually exclusive. The identity element is a grouping element for conditions which are based on the caller's identity. The condition is satisfied if any of the included one or many elements within it is matched. The elements anonymous and identity are mutually exclusive. The media element contains a media type that the session must include for the condition to be matched e.g. "audio" or "video". This is a multi-value parameter so it can appear more than once once with several media values that must all be satisfied for the overall condition to be matched. The validity element is a grouping element for time periods (intervals) within which the rule is valid. The validity condition must contain at least one interval. The presence-status element contains a presence status value that the user must satisfy for the condition to be matched e.g. "meal", "meeting", "travel", "vacation". This is a multi-value parameter so it can appear more than once with several presence status values that must all be satisfied for the overall condition to be matched. The valid-periods element is a grouping element for recurring time periods (intervals) within which the rule is valid. The invalidity element is a grouping element for time periods (intervals) within which the rule is NOT valid. The invalidity condition must contain at least one interval. The forward-to element is a grouping element with details of the target to which the communication should be diverted and optional control of notifications and which identities are revealed to whom. This must be present on the creation of a cdiv-rule. The do-not-disturb element has values "true" and "false". If it's set to "true" the element is added into the actions part of the rule. If it's set to "false" the element is removed from the actions part of the rule. The play-announcement element has string values from 0 to 32 characters. When the play-announcement action is set with the string value containing characters with the length between 1 to 32, if there is any satisfying corresponding conditions and being diverted, the caller will be presented with the specific announcement handled by generic announcement service. When the play-announcement action is set with the string value containing character with the length of 0, any play-announcement action element in the rule will be deleted from the rule. Grouping element for a set of zero or more action options The NoReplyTimer element specifies the time that must expire without answer before the no answer condition is triggered. The value is an integer giving the timer in the range of 5 to 180 seconds. This value applies to no answer rules which do not contain their own individual timer.