Information for each Agency Rule/RIN information for each agency Type of the request made by the agency. It can be 1 Request RIN/ZRIN 2. Update RIN/ZRIN information. 3. Request Designation 4. RIN Data Dump for agency Person Making the Request. Date the Request is made This is an outbound attribute generated by ROCIS II. Error code generated by ROCIS if the request failed. Date the designation is rquested Person rquesting the designation Must be "S" for Significant, "N" for not significant and "E" for economically significant. Reason/rationale for requesting the designation. Date OIRA made the designation. Person who made the designation. Designation code made by OIRA. Must be "S" for significant, "N" for not Significant and "E" for economically significant. Must be one of the following codes. 10 = ANPRM, 20 = ANPRM Comment Period End, 30 = NPRM, 40 = NPRM Comment Period End, 50 = Interim Final Rule, 60 = Interim Final Rule Comment Period End, 70 = Interim Final Rule Effective, 300 = Other, 305 = Case Opened, 310 = Comment Period End, 315 = Commend Period Extended, 320 = Correction, 325 = Direct final Rule, 330 = Final Rule, 335 = Final Rule Effective, 340 = Hearing, 345 = Notice, 350 = NPRM Comment Period Extended, 355 = NPRM COmment Period Reopened, 360 = Proposed Rule, 365 = Public Hearing, 370 = Public meeting, 375 = Second ANPRM, 380 = Second NPRM, 385 = Second NPRM COmment Period End, 390 = Supplemental NPRM. 600 = FInal Action, 610 = Final Action Effective, 620 = Begin Review, 630 = End Review, 700 = Withdrawn, 710 = Merged with, 730 = Duplicate of, 800 = Deleted at Agency Request, 900 = Next Action Undetermined, 910 = Transferred. If the user wants to enter any other description other than the one specified below, then, the code should be "300" which is other, and the description should be entered in Qualifier attribute. To further describe a standard action or continue any other action. Format is mm/dd/yyyy. But here are the exceptions: 00/00/0000 = for predicted dates. (some time in the future). MM/00/YYYY = for predicted dates in a specific future month. Exceptions do not apply if CFR citation supplied. In this case, the date must be the specific federal register publication date. If cannot contain a 00 day as in predicted dates. Must be "Y" = yes, or "N" = No. "Y" to identify the ONE timetable entry which completes the agenda entry. But if RPLAN_ENTRY = Y, then this cannot be "Y". For final action/final action effective, the completing_action and FR_CITATION should both be on the final action timetable entry, not on the final action effective timetable entry. If the agency is requesting for a RIN then this is empty otherwise it is the RIN value. For ZRIN's, Affect Citation and Agenda Entry are optional fields. But for RIN's, affect_cfr and Agenda_entry need to have values. Y - if the RIN affects the CFR otherwise N. "Y"- If the RIN to be published in Agenda otherwise "N" Must be one of the Relation codes 4 = Merge with, 5= Split From, 6 = Previously Reported as, 8 = Duplicate of, 10 = Related to Must be one of the Relation codes: J = Joint, C = Common Must be "Y" (indicating RPLAN entry) or "N" (indicating Non Plan Entry). ONce an entry is published as RPLAN entry in a fall agenda, the Y may not be changed to N in the subsequent spring Agenda. Additionally there may be no new plan entries in a spring agenda. If the RPLAN_ENTRY value is "Y", then Stmt_of_Need attribute need to have value and other attributes are optional. If RPLAN_ENTRY vlaue is "N", then RPLAN_INFO element (stmt_of_need, legal_basis, alternatives, costs_and_beneifts, and risks) is optional. Mist be one of the following codes: 1 = PreRule, 2 = Proposed Rule, 3 = Final Rule, 4 = Long-term Action , 5 = Completed Action. Long-term and Completed are not permitted if RPLAN_ENTRY indicator is "Y". If an Agency needs to complete a RPLAN_ENTRY, call RISC. ROCIS determines the Rule making stage from all occurrences of Timetable, based on the action filed of the Timetable Entry which is found to be the "Next Action", (i.e the first action after 4/1 for April agendas or after 10/1 for October agendas). The RULEMAKING STAGE included in this files submission is usually ignored, except in those cases where the ROCIS II cannot determine the stage from the timetable. Must be one of the following codes: Y = Yes, N= No, U=Undetermined. Fior items where Rulemaking Stage = Completed, must not be U. Must be one of the following codes: 10 = Economically Significant, 20= Other Significant, 30 = Substantive, Nonsignificant, 40 = Routine and Frequent, 50 = Info./Admin,/Other. If the RPLAN_ENTRY = Y, Then priority category must be 10 or 20. COde speciifying the special event on which the RIN is being requested/created. Code has to be one of the following: 1= September 11th 2001. If the rulemaking is likely to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. It has to be one of the following if RFA analysis is not requiired: "N" = no, "U" = Undetermined. If RFA Analysis is required, then it can be up to three unique occurrences of the following codes: "B"= Business, "G"= Governmental Jurisdictions."O"= Organizations. Has to be one of the following Codes: If there is no impace then it is N= No, . THere is some impact but not a significant impact, then it can be up to three unique occurrences of B= Business, G= Governmental Jurisdictions, O= Organizations Limited to one occurrence if it is either "N"=No, or "U"= Undetermined. One or two occurrences, if it is "G"= State, Local, Or tribal Governments, or "P" = Private Sector. Only for the Cabinet and Executive agencies. Must be one of the following codes: N - No, Y= Yes, U= Undetermined. For RIN entries in the "Completed" rulemaking stage, must not be "U". Limited to one occurrence if it is "N" = No or "U" = Undetermined. Otherwise, it can be up to four occurrences of "S" = State, "L" = Local, "T"=Tribal, "F" = Federal. Format can be anything. The parts of USC citation are : Title, USC, Section, Subsection, Paragraph, SubParagraph, Clause, and et seq. "Anything" can be included within quotation marks. Ranges can be expressed to the section level and are of the form: 42 USC 78(c) to 78(h). Popular names of legal authorities can be added in quotation marks: 42 USC 1344 "Clean water act". In the format of : Title CFR Part.Section (paragraphs and subparagraphs). Ranges can be expressed to the section Level and are of the form : 48 CFR 52.245-2(c)(2) to 52.245-2(c)(3). If the CFR Citation should read "Not Yet Determined", then the entry should contain : 00 CFR nyd. If the CFR should read "Not Applicable", then entry should contain : 00 CFR NA. Limited to one occurrence. Must be one of the following codes: "Y" = Yes, "N" = NO or "U" = Undetermined. Is there a legal dline? Y = Yes, N = No. If "N", then there must be no stage, date, and description. If there is a legal dead line, then TYPE and ACTION_STAGE are mandatory, Date and Description are optional. There can be more than one legal deadline of same type and action stage. Must be "S" = Statutory, or "J" = Judicial Must be "N" = NPRM, "F" = FInal or "O" = Other. If it is other, must include a description. Formatted in mm/dd/yyyy. Of no date, must include description. When action _stage = O or no date, description should have value. Must be one of the following codes. 10 = ANPRM, 20 = ANPRM Comment Period End, 30 = NPRM, 40 = NPRM Comment Period End, 50 = Interim Final Rule, 60 = Interim Final Rule Comment Period End, 70 = Interim Final Rule Effective, 300 = Other, 305 = Case Opened, 310 = Comment Period End, 315 = Commend Period Extended, 320 = Correction, 325 = Direct final Rule, 330 = Final Rule, 335 = Final Rule Effective, 340 = Hearing, 345 = Notice, 350 = NPRM Comment Period Extended, 355 = NPRM COmment Period Reopened, 360 = Proposed Rule, 365 = Public Hearing, 370 = Public meeting, 375 = Second ANPRM, 380 = Second NPRM, 385 = Second NPRM COmment Period End, 390 = Supplemental NPRM. 600 = FInal Action, 610 = Final Action Effective, 620 = Begin Review, 630 = End Review, 700 = Withdrawn, 710 = Merged with, 730 = Duplicate of, 800 = Deleted at Agency Request, 900 = Next Action Undetermined, 910 = Transferred. If the user wants to enter any other description other than the one specified below, then, the code should be "300" which is other, and the description should be entered in Qualifier attribute. To further describe a standard action or continue any other action. Format is mm/dd/yyyy. But here are the exceptions: 00/00/0000 = for predicted dates. (some time in the future). MM/00/YYYY = for predicted dates in a specific future month. Exceptions do not apply if CFR citation supplied. In this case, the date must be the specific federal register publication date. If cannot contain a 00 day as in predicted dates. Must be "Y" = yes, or "N" = No. "Y" to identify the ONE timetable entry which completes the agenda entry. But if RPLAN_ENTRY = Y, then this cannot be "Y". For final action/final action effective, the completing_action and FR_CITATION should both be on the final action timetable entry, not on the final action effective timetable entry. First level sort value to be used for the RIN in the publication. Second level sort value to be used for the RIN in the publication. COmpliance cost itself is optional. But, Base Year is required if either the Initial Public cost or Recurring public cost is provided. Has to be valid NAICS codes. One Occurrence of URL for public comments Limited ot One occurrence of URL for more information. Agenda related information for each agency for each publication. Depending on when the data is being submitted the publication information will be generated by rocis. For October publication, agencies will submit statement. FOr April PUblication, agencies will submit preamble. Global Address Type Address Information Global Contact Type Contact Information Flag Definition - Yes/No Type Flag Definition - Yes/No/Undetermined Type