Re: instance jaxbcontext

From: Mirko Klemm <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 17:39:44 +0200

Hi Baohong,
The delay is likely to be caused by the classloader(s) WebLogic installs for your application.
As I'm not familiar with WebLogic, my only suggestion is to look for an option to configure class loading in a way such that no network URLs are in the class path of your application. It seems as if WebLogic tries to resolve classes from network locations, which can be very slow.
Your issue is most likely better answered in a WebLogic-specific forum or by WebLogic support.

Mirko Klemm
Hermannstädter Str. 10
53119 Bonn
T +49 228 2493636
M +49 151 22646381
F +49 721 509663752

> Am 31.03.2015 um 14:43 schrieb Baohong Wu <>:
> I am using WebLogic 1212 with java 7
> in servlet init(), I call to instance jaxbcontext via singleton, it took 1 hour to finish. My jaxb class contains 680 class files.
> but, if I put call in a standalone java main, it comes out result right away.
> any help are appreciated.