Re: Unable to solve "Provider xx not a subtype" problem

From: David Karr <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 09:00:01 -0800

Weird. I'm now seeing that this Gradle script will fail or succeed
depending on what directory I execute it from. If I execute it from the
original project directory where I first saw this problem, it fails. If I
execute it from a different directory that just holds this build script, it
succeeds. I don't see anything significant in the project that directory
that might make this happen. I'm currently comparing the verbose
classloading output from both tests to see if I can find any clues.

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 6:58 AM, David Karr <>

> Ok, thanks for the reply. I now have at least a minimal test case, and
> I've even found a situation where the test succeeds.
> I was able to build a minimal Gradle build script, and nothing else needs
> to be manually installed (except for Java and Gradle) to run the test. This
> test still fails on my Win7 box, but I found that it works on my CentOS
> VM. I just compared the environments, and right now my Win7 box has Gradle
> 2.2.1 and the CentOS box only 2.1. Also, the CentOS box is running JDK 1.7
> and the Win7 box 1.8. I'm going to do some swapping of those versions and
> see what other variations provide a clue. I could also run either test
> with verbose class loading, but I'm not sure what I'd look for in that
> noise.
> In any case, here's my minimal Gradle test script (not that the test
> succeeds if it just complains about a missing schema):
> -----------------------------
> apply plugin: 'java'
> apply plugin: 'maven'
> apply plugin: 'war'
> sourceCompatibility = 1.7
> targetCompatibility = 1.7
> repositories {
> mavenCentral()
> }
> configurations {
> jaxb
> }
> dependencies {
> jaxb 'com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-xjc:2.2.7'
> jaxb "com.github.jaxb-xew-plugin:jaxb-xew-plugin:1.4"
> jaxb ""
> }
> task processXSDs() << {
> URLClassLoader loader = GroovyObject.class.classLoader;
> configurations.jaxb.each { File file -> println file;
> loader.addURL(file.toURI().toURL()) }
> ant.taskdef(name: 'xjc', classname: '',
> classpath: configurations.jaxb.asPath)
> ant.xjc(destdir: 'tmp', package:
> "com.att.sunlight.service.domain.serviceCallResults", extension: true) {
> schema(dir: "src/main/resources/schema", includes:
> "serviceCallResults.xsd")
> arg(value: "-Xxew")
> arg(value: "-summary target/xew-summary.txt")
> arg(value: "-instantiate lazy")
> arg(value: "-Xfluent-api")
> }
> }
> compileJava.dependsOn processXSDs
> -------------------------
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 3:23 AM, Marcel Valovy <>
> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> one of our teams has experienced the same problem with
>> BeanValidationPlugin (part of EclipseLink). We are still analyzing the
>> problem. I suspect that it is caused by having *multiple* different JAXB
>> jars on classpath and having Context CL load one of the jars and having an
>> APP CL load the plugin. When I get the info I need about the jars they use
>> I will create a test case for this.
>> Should you get any more information on this issue, I would greatly
>> appreciate if you shared it with me/the group. I will share my results with
>> you/the group too, after I get the required info.
>> BR,
>> Marcel
>> On 21/01/15 17:12, David Karr wrote:
>> This is not a proper subject for a "dev" list, but I've queried every
>> other reasonable resource, with no result.
>> I have a small app using CXF, JAX-RS, JAXB, along with two JAXB
>> extensions, and Maven.
>> I use the "cxf-xjc-plugin" in Maven, along with the "Element Wrapper"
>> and "Fluent API" JAXB extensions, to generate a set of Java classes from a
>> set of schemas. This works fine.
>> I'm attempting to convert this build from Maven to Gradle. The key part
>> is XJC and these JAXB extensions. Ever single way I've tried to run XJC
>> fails with the following exception (the referenced classname varies
>> depending on whether I leave in both JAXB extensions or remove one from my
>> classpath):
>> Caused by: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError:
>> Provider not a subtype
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> I've tried using the Ant XJC task from Gradle. I've tried it from an Ant
>> "build.xml". I tried a Bash script directly calling the XJCFacade class.
>> They all get the same result. I have the 2.2.7 version of the xjc, impl,
>> and api jaxb jars in my classpath, along with the extension jars and other
>> dependencies of those jars.
>> I've posted about this on jaxb-user, ant-user, cxf-user (to ask why they
>> think this only works with the cxf maven plugin), stackoverflow, and the
>> issues page for the ElementWrapper plugin. The only response of any
>> substance I got was indirectly from Martin Gainty, from my ant-user
>> posting, where he talked a bit about how the "ServiceLoader" framework
>> works. He didn't really provide a solution, but he implied that "Maven
>> solves the issue by inheriting System CL at CLI before tacking on
>> maven-core and any consequent plugins". I've tried some classpath ordering
>> changes along those lines, but that doesn't help.
>> Any useful information or leads would be appreciated.