But you cannot use lombok on an XML Schema...
-------- Original message --------
From: Przemysław Bielicki
Date:11/05/2013 05:56 (GMT-05:00)
To: dev_at_jaxb.java.net
Subject: Re: JAXB : to generate hashcode(), equals() and toString() methods ?
Hi Olivier,
why don't you use @EqualsAndHashCode and @ToString annotations from lombok (
http://projectlombok.org/) ?
I don't think it's JAXB's responsibility to generate these methods.
I hope it helps.
On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:34 AM, Olivier Vincent <olivier.vincent_at_stesud.eu<mailto:olivier.vincent_at_stesud.eu>> wrote:
Will it be possible to generate hashcode(), equals() and toString() methods with a next version of JAXB ? And if so, is it planned in a roadmap ?
Or should we always use the JAXB2 Basics Plugin ?
Because, this plugin is used by many people and, I think, is very interesting for the JAXB project.
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,
Olivier Vincent
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