Re: jaxb2-commons property-listener-injector bugfixes

From: Iaroslav Savytskyi <>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 15:10:08 +0100

Hi, Matthew,

Thank you for your mail.

Sources for property-listener-injector you can checkout from:

This is repository for not maintained plugins.

As I've understood you are interested in contribution. So we can grand
you developer role and you will be able to commit your changes to: (active plugins repository)

Please contact me so that we'll be able to continue.

Best regards.
On 20/02/13 11:16, Matthew Wise wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using the maven-jaxb2-plugin to generate domain object
> classes from an XSD.  These domain objects are then to be populated
> with data from XSD-compliant XML files and bound to Java desktop GUI
> widgets for editing, with the user's changes written back out to XML.
> I would have thought that this would be a not-uncommon requirement.
> As it stands, the behaviour of the plugin is not sufficient, since I
> need property-change events to be fired in the setter methods.  (Or
> should I be using annotations and aspects perhaps?).
> The org.jvnet.jaxb2-commons property-listener-injector sounded like
> it would do the trick; however it has a couple of bugs that are
> show-stoppers for my company's project: - firePropertyChange needs to
> occur after the value is set, not before - firePropertyChange is not
> injected for primitive properties - Also field modifiers should be
> private rather than protected surely, although this isn't a problem
> as such
> Development of the property-listener-injector plugin seems to have
> stalled at version 1.1-SNAPSHOT, 6 years ago.  I've spent a good day
> or more on Google trying to find a later/fixed version, or find out
> if another JAXB tool/plugin has superseded the above, but I can't
> find anything obvious.  This site
> seems to be the
> most up-to-date but the property listener plugin is listed as
> Dormant.
> I found the sources for the 1.1-SNAPSHOT version at
> and have fixed the bugs locally, as well as fixing the POM and
> directory structure, but I would like to contribute this back to the
> community, to try and avoid anyone else with my requirements in the
> future having to go through the same pain as me.  Is this the right
> forum to do so?  Or can someone suggest a better way to accomplish
> what I need to do?
> Regards,
> Matthew Wise Mango Business Solutions, UK
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