> Yes, and if anyone has trouble reaching Kohsuke, I think there are
> many list members who can help -- given how high email volume he is
> probably getting (for Hudson and other high profile projects), it is
> quite possible that some emails from previously unknown developers
> fall through the cracks.
> I would second Benson's suggestion of initial "fork" (or maybe it
> should be called branch); github is great for this, for example.
> As long as original author and community are kept in loop (best
> effort, of course), everybody will be happy. This is roughly how
> Multi-Schema Validator is being moved to Github (although in this case
> Kohsuke directly worked on getting it done from beginning).
I'd simply copy/move dtd-parser to SVN on dev.java.net.
> Btw: one minor issue with github and some other source code
> repositories is that they don't have integrated maven publishing
> functionality.
> But this can be worked around by using Sonatype's free (for OSS) maven
> repisitories.
This is exactly what I'm up to. I'm indending to establish a process
which would allow to publish artifacts of the OS projects mentioned
through the Sonatype facilities.
> ps. I can try to help with dtd-validator piece if there are issues
> (please email me directly if so)
Thanks! I'll get to you if it won't be solved otherwise.