I've enhanced the pom.xml - added the required pom elements.
Distribution management now via Sonatype (parent project is now
Enhanced the pom.xml - added the required pom elements. Distribution
management now via Sonatype (parent project is now
org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:3). Released as version 2.3:
In contrast to othe projects which seem to be abandoned,
istack-commons seems to be in active development - so I desided not to
commit any POM changes into CVS. I'd like to discuss it with
istack-commons developers first, but I don't know how to reach them.
Mailing lists are empty. Would anyone give me a hint about the most
appropriate way to contact them?
Ok, so this is it. If you see any issues, please let me know. If
there's anything serious, I'll try to fix things fast.
Now that my prerequisites are met and I can work on releasing my own
things into the central. I would also suggest that you guys use the
updated artifacts for JAXB RI.
By the way - did you consider mavenizing the JAXB build? I will be
glad to assist you with that, once it'll be the decision.