we'll look at it. It would help us if you could locate which exact
version of JAXB introduced this problem.
Thanks in advance,
Aleksei Valikov wrote:
> Dear JAXB developers,
> I need your help to resolve the compatibility issue with Hyperjaxb3
> and XJC versions 2.1.9 and higher.
> To address JAXB vs. JPA/EJB3 compatibility issues, ,my plugin
> (Hyperjaxb3) generates some additional classes and properties in the
> JAXB model. Basically, I do things like new CClassInfo(...) in my JAXB
> plugin.
> Recently I wanted to move to newer version of JAXB (2.1.9), but
> started getting strange problems with BGMBuilder and Ring which I
> never had before. After some research I've found out that in 2.1.9
> (maybe in 2.1.8 as well) the CClassInfo constructor accesses
> Ring.get(BGMBuilder.class) for some information. But, since my plugin
> is invoked outside of the model building (not during the
> BGMBuilder.build(...)), "Ring" is already "ended" and the BGMBuilder
> is not available from the Ring. This makes Ring try to instantiate the
> BGMBuilder, which fails.
> So my problem is that in XJC 2.1.9 I cannot postprocess model in the
> desired way. You assume that class infos are only created when the
> model is built. This means I can't add any classes and properties to
> the model from the JAXB plugin. Still this feature is crucial for
> Hyperjaxb3 since otherwise I cannot provide EJB3 persistence for
> complex cases like heterogeneous fields and so on.
> I'm asking you for help with this problem. What I need is the
> possibility to create classes and properties from JAXB plugin. I'm
> unsure how to resolve this at the moment and hope that you'll have
> some ideas.
> Thank you!
> Bye.
> /lexi
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Martin Grebac, http://blogs.sun.com/mgrebac
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Sun Microsystems Czech
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