For speed, I chose to use NetBeans's JAXB binding wizard. The JAXB
compiler's choking with this error:
Created dir: D:\XCRI NetBeans\build\generated\jaxbCache\XCRICAP
Compiling file:/D:/XCRI
[ERROR] 'lang' is already defined
line 113 of
failure in the XJC task. Use the Ant -verbose switch for more details
D:\XCRI NetBeans\nbproject\xml_binding_build.xml:18: unable to parse the
schema. Error messages should have been provided
BUILD FAILED (total time: 7 seconds)
For two W3C schemas to clash would seem to be such a common error that
finding the solution ought to be easy, but two days wasted on this has
uncovered nothing.
The goal is to have an Ant script which uses JAXB to generate classes from
that schema.
I have tried Castor but run into other problems and for this project I'd
rather use JAXB anyway. Eclipse is my usual IDE.
I'm completely lost and really need the assistance of experts.