JAXB version bundled with JDK 1.6 update 5

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 13:20:12 -0700

I noticed that the unofficial user's guide had references to JAXB RI
versions included in first versions of JDK 1.6,
but not for update 5. Is it still version 2.1.3 (assuming u4 had
2.1.3) or a later version? Also, is there an easy way to figure out
version included either programmatically or by looking at JRE

Also: I assume replacing bundled version should work by just adding
reference implementation jar in classpath, and letting service
introspection work its magic and use this one, not the jdk-bundled
one. Is this correct?

-+ Tatu +-