If you have spaces in the path to your schema file when specifying an
external binding file for the XJC ant task the internalizer gets
confused when looking up a key that has %20 replaced for the spaces.
On winXP and JAXB 2.0.5 put a schema file and a binding file on your
desktop and then use an ant target like this:
<xjc schema="${basedir}/test.xsd" removeOldOutput="yes"
destdir="${basedir}/test" package="test"
Make the schemaLocation in the binding file just "test.xsd"
You will get something similar to this:
[xjc] [ERROR] "file:/C:/Documents and Settings/clyon/Desktop/test.xsd"
is not a part of this compilation. Is this a mistake for
[xjc] line 5 of
I searched for this bug in the bug tracker and couldn't find it. This
problem does not exist in 2.1
I am attaching a patch that fixes the problem, If this is the wrong way
to submit a patch I am sorry, will someone point me to where I can read
the proper protocol?
Chad Lyon
Software Development Consultant
Gestalt LLC