Hi All,
The domain I am working with , uses schema's that are meant to be
extended. Consequently if the extensions do not have bindings, then "to
my knowledge" JAXB does not provide me with a usable solution?
For instance if I can create valid xml from my XSD:
<Name official="The Code Factory Pty. Ltd."/>
But someone decides to extent the XML so it now contains a new element
<Name official="The Code Factory Pty. Ltd.">
<NameAlias alias="Code inc. Pty. Ltd./>
<NameAlias alias="Code-Factory Pty. Ltd./>
This is obviously not valid.... in an ideal world this should be
rejected told to please come back with something that meets the
specification... this is not reality however. Most people like XML
because they can customize it... they can add their own data... and they
can also ignore data.... Another problem is schema versioning... some
people change their schema's.. and some don't even place version
information to begin with.
Maybe I am asking the impossible, or just too much... but unfortunately
I am trying to present the JAXB group with a real-world problem that
needs a real-world solution. Understanding the solution is first about
understanding the problem :)
What I would really like to know (or maybe suggest) is if there is a way
to bind and unmarshall unknown elements/attributes to a Unknown or
Generic JAXBElement ??? If the generic/unknown JAXBElement held string
values, and had methods/fields such as
getElementName() returns the unknown/generic elements name
getAttributes() returns List<GenericJAXBAttribute>
getElements() returns List<JAXBElement<?>>
Although it does not provide the developer with an exact schema binding
to develop against (which I understand is a HUGE advantage)... it does
however provide the flexibility they need from JAXB rather than just
rejecting the XML completely. There are many reasons for this... even if
its to raise a more helpful error message as to why their XML is broken.
Document creation and Marshalling would also allow composers of XML with
the possibility of adding their own elements / attributes to a
specification without breaking JAXB code bases.
Thanks a heap for JAXB2!!!!!!!!! Verrrrry cool stuff!!!