I'd like to first say thanks for including me in this project. I
just moved from L.A. to Chicago this past weekend so I haven't been
doing much work, but I'm excited to get JAXB building with Maven.
My plan is to create a branch in cvs and just start rearranging the
project structure, creating poms and creating plugins until it
works. As Kohsuke suggested, I'll start with some of the smaller
projects and build upwards.
The ultimate goal would be a full maven-based build system in order
to simplify deployment (both independently and to maven repositories)
and dependency management.
Anyway, I hope to really start working on it towards the end of the
week and would appreciate any input from the developers that are
experienced with the jaxb architecture ( i am but a lowly user :-) )
and the current build process.
Gregory Kick