On 6/14/06, Aleksei Valikov <valikov_at_gmx.net> wrote:
> My suggestion:
> 1. Create a new jaxb1-maven2-plugin project on dev.java.net.
> 2. Use dev.java.net repository and dependencies I posted above.
> 3. Wait for Kohsuke to post the xsdlib, manually add the jar to the local repo
> for the moment.
> I've just created jaxb1-maven2-plugin project. Please apply for the developer
> role and post your code there:
> https://jaxb1-maven2-plugin.dev.java.net/
Note that my jaxb1 plugin was based on jaxb2 plugin which was using
"Apache License, Version 2.0" licence, so it wont be wise to merge it
into your LGPL licenced project.
I'm strongly suggesting to go on with a new codebase!
I also prefer the LGPL my self
Isn't it better that we move these discussions under the new project's
mailing lists ?