Thanks Kohsuke, looks like Lexi has reignited his effort in hiberjaxb3
I'll head over to see what I can do.
rOnn c.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
06/10/2006 10:32 AM
Please respond to dev
Subject: Re: Plugin for EJB3/hibernate annotation
Sorry for the delay in reply. wrote:
> We currently have a fairly complex object model generated from XJC. We
> also modify significant number of these generated object with
> EJB3/hibernate annotations. Everything is working fine but from
> maintainance point of view it is rather messy.
I understand.
> I'm looking for a plugin that can help us generate EJB3/hibernate
> annotation.
> Wondering if anyone done any work in this area?
Various people are showing interest in this area, but right now no one
is kicking the tire. If you'd be interested in leading the effort, I
think that would be great.
You should drop a note on That's where most of
the EJB3 plugin related folks hang around (if they still hang around,
that is.)
I assume you've seen hyperjaxb project?
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems
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