Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East wrote:
> I threw in a quick hack last week, but that seems to have introduced
> problems like this:
> import java.util.List<? extends java.lang.Comparable>;
This was actually a different bug that I fixed already. So don't roll
back just yet...
> So, I'm going to rollback my changes and file an issue to investigate
> later. This is just a cosmetic/usability issue that we can live with
> for now.
> While debugging, I noticed that nested class names are reported as
> both types and ids to JFormatter. The nested class is passed into
> both JFormatter.t(JClass) and JFormatter.id(String). I'm not sure if
> this happens in any other cases, but it confuses the current FQCN
> optimization code.
> Thanks,
> --Ryan
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems kohsuke.kawaguchi_at_sun.com