
From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 13:22:21 -0700

I just created as discussed with
Lexi. This project aims to collect/host plugins and utility code that
people write that are too small to merit its own project. So in a sense
it works like a sandbox/incubator.

This includes runtime utilities like our FilterList, or JAXBIterator, or
small plugins like hashCode/equals plugin, toString plugin, EJB3 plugin
that Scott Allan wrote, and etc.

Before I start moving contents, I think we should discuss and decide the
repository structure.

Based on my experience with jakarta-commons-sandbox and stax-utils
project, it seems to me that allowing each component owner to own its
directory (like below) works better than ...

  +- pluginX
  | +- src
  | +- test
  | +- whatever
  +- pluginY
  | +- src
  | +- test
  | +- whatever
  +- utilityZ
      +- src

... having a single source module and put all the source code in one

  +- src
  +- test
  +- doc

This allows individual component owner to choose their own style in
their own plugin (like someone can use Maven while others are using Ant,
etc.) Plugins tend to have differing maturity, so having this separation
would also help users deciding which one to use, etc.

Any thoughts?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems