namespace prefixes

From: Hans <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 11:41:22 -0700

Why does sun/java insist on overriding namespace prefixes?

Yes I understand that the prefix has no real meaning and in a more
orthodox context the namespaceURI is all that matters. BUT in the real
world, in a real apps context you inevitably face this issue. The
namespaceprefixmapper is not a solution to me (it has no sense of scope
at all).

Has anyone seen the simplicity and elegance of .net/xml and/or python
xml? Its like a line or two of code vs. the 20+ lines that java makes
you handle, and java gets all religious and drops the xml prefixes that
you specify ... ns1 ns2 n3 ...

  John Hager -- Software Developer
     cell: 619.261.5990