OK. I am using JAXP schema validation which is good, but I liked JAXB
validation more for its JXPath and EL features.
> Yes, the need for such a product is obvious. If you're interested, here's
what I'm up to in this concern (a quote from my mail on JSR-303 experts):
My name is Aleksei Valikov. I lead several JAXB-related open-source projects
> on dev.java.net (hyperjaxb*, jaxbvalidation, jaxb*commons,
> maven-jaxb*-plugin and few others).
> In the past I have implemented the Jaxbvalidation project which implements
> bean validation for XML Schema derived beans produced by JAXB. In two words,
> Jaxbvalidation is capable of checking JAXB objects against constraints
> defined in the XML Schema and report precise diagnostic information
> including "what" and "where" in natural languages (please visit [1] for more
> information).
> The project is well-accepted in the JAXB community and now people start
> asking for a JAXB2 version of this project. I have started analyzing
> implementation possibilities and found the JSR 303, which is under
> development. Goals of this specification request fit perfectly my vision of
> the jaxb2-validation, but I want to make sure that technical implementation
> will also be capable of fulfilling the task of validation for schema-derived
> classes.
> The challenge is that after you have generated Java bean classes out of
> the XML Schema, you often need a possibility to check if you object
> structures fulfill constraints of the original XML Schema. I.e. if all
> datatypes are correct, all facets are respected, all properties respect XML
> Schema stuctures and so on. Such validation is important not only for JAXB
> but also for further Java/XML binding frameworks out there (Castor, XMLBeans
> etc.).
> In Jaxbvalidation, I have gathered certain experience on the subject of
> validation of schema-derived beans. Quite large conceptual and
> implementation work was done, with the result of a finished product. I would
> like to commit my experience and participate in creation of a specification
> that would have technical capabilities for the tasks described above.
> Therefore I am contacting you with the question: what would be the best
> format for me to participate in JSR-303? Should I become an expert memeber
> or should I simply post my comments?
Looking forward to seeing Hyperjaxb3.
> It's under very intensive development.
Thank you for your interest. :)